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Friday, December 31, 2010
Hyundai Sun Bowl
Mike and I traveled to El Paso, Texas to the Hyundai Sun Bowl on December 31st. We had a lot of fun getting away for the weekend and Mike loved that he got to see teh Fighting Irish (his favorite collegiate team) play.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Day After Christmas
We got up and ate lunch and let the kids play some more then we headed home from all the festivities over the holiday weekend.
I gave Zoee her first haircut and it looks adorable on her. Had to get rid of her baby hair. It looks cute and it reminds me of Tinkerbell's pixie cut.
I gave Zoee her first haircut and it looks adorable on her. Had to get rid of her baby hair. It looks cute and it reminds me of Tinkerbell's pixie cut.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Day
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Eve Night
After going to my cousins on Christmas Eve, we traveled to Klondike to stay at my sister's house for Christmas holiday. The adults opened their gifts that evening. We had a great Christmas. Zoee was cracking us up before she headed off to bed.
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Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, my family met at Olive Garden to eat dinner. When we showed up my Aunt Toni had pleasantly surprised us by coming in for Christmas from the Houston area. We haven't seen her since the New Year's I was pregnant with Zoee, so we excited she came to visit. She's never met Zoee or we had a good time. We ate and then went over my my cousin's house and my Mom's side of the family all got together. My aunts, uncle, cousins, and all their kiddos were there and we had a great time catching up and spending the holiday together.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Slumber Party
Jillery and Ethan came to visit us and stayed the night on Tuesday night. We had a great day and evening. Jillery and I made cookies while the kiddos were napping and I cut and colored her hair. We had some bonding time. I love my sister so much and couldn't of asked for God to give me a better one. Merry Christmas.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Grossed Out!

We ventured to the Midland mall today and after shopping for a while decided to stop in the food court to grab a drink and snack. Well, I was sitting at the table with Miss "Z" and my li'l nephew, who is a year old now while my Mom and Sister went to grab us something. I put Miss "Z" into a high chair (it was actually clean) and pulled her half way up to the table. We sat there for a few minutes and I noticed her looking kind of underneath the table at something. In my head I was thinking..I bet she sees a piece of gum. So I quickly pulled her a little bit more away from the table so she couldn't reach it. SO I THOUGHT! I turned my head to glance over at my nephew and I look back and Miss "Z" has a little piece of gum she just stuck into her mouth half ways. I quickly yanked it out...and was mortified. She had pulled it from underneath the table. I'm sure I had a few mall goers/watchers looking at us thinking...GROSS!! Cause I was thinking that. Thought I'd share cause it was kind of funny after thinking about it for a while...but I was definitely totally grossed out!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Canon Christmas Party
I always say every year that I wish I had more Christmas parties to attend because I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays and everything it entails. Well, this year, I have been to quite a few gatherings, parties, and holiday happenings that I have been excited about. Last night we attended Miranda and Joe's Christmas Party. We had a lot of fun meeting a few new people and eating a delicious Mexican feast. We gabbed and mingled and then had a gift exchange which I've never played before using a deck of cards. It was so much fun getting to open up gifts, exchanging them with someone else, swapping them back, taking them back again several times. Someone had brought lottery tickets with a pair of Christmas socks. It got exchanged a few times. Our limit was $20.00 so they had $20.00 worth of tickets..and ended up winning $102.00. It was great! Mike and I ended up with some beautiful wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a carafe. We had a great time and thanks for inviting us, Miranda and Joe. Can't believe Christmas is only a few days away. Merry Christmas!!
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
"BIG GIRL" panties
January 1st we will be starting Potty Training 101. I've coddled her quite enough (said with a li'l tear). We've pottied a few times here and there in her potties (yes, she has three of them and the one she likes the most is the cheapest pink froggie one) LOL I think I've been procrastinating about really delving into the potty training business because I want to still keep her my li'l baby, even though she is a spitfire. It makes me sad to think she will be growing up not needing Momma as much because, man alive, she is Li'l Miss Independent. She likes to do or try everything herself..even at this age. Lord, I hear it only gets worse! Help us ALL!
Tonight we went and picked out several "BIG GIRL" panties from the store..cause once her diapers are all gone (which she still has quite a few left) then I don't really want to buy anymore to see if this is going to work the easy way..or if it's going to be more difficult for her. Which I'm okay with..either way. She didn't seem to be amused about picking out her own panties in the store like most little kids I've heard about..but she likes to put them on when we are at home and grins from ear to ear. I'm hoping this journey will be a simple one. I'm kind of taking the harder approach to it by not using pull-ups..but I've heard so many different things..I've kind of accumulated everything I've heard, read, or seen and I'm going to go with that. Here's to January 1st coming soon and Zoee's successful journey to Toddlerhood!
Tonight we went and picked out several "BIG GIRL" panties from the store..cause once her diapers are all gone (which she still has quite a few left) then I don't really want to buy anymore to see if this is going to work the easy way..or if it's going to be more difficult for her. Which I'm okay with..either way. She didn't seem to be amused about picking out her own panties in the store like most little kids I've heard about..but she likes to put them on when we are at home and grins from ear to ear. I'm hoping this journey will be a simple one. I'm kind of taking the harder approach to it by not using pull-ups..but I've heard so many different things..I've kind of accumulated everything I've heard, read, or seen and I'm going to go with that. Here's to January 1st coming soon and Zoee's successful journey to Toddlerhood!

Who Needs Santa...
I've got my Grammy and PawPaw!
HA HA! This is what I picture her saying in her head as she approached this particular Santa at our mall this evening. For some reason, Zoee doesn't seem to be impressed with sitting on Santa's lap. But I sure wish I had my camera with me to see her facial expressions about seeing the ginormous Gingerbread house surrounding his lair. She kept oogling and ahhing over that. And is it just me..or does our particular Santa look like he is really in his late 20's???
HA HA! This is what I picture her saying in her head as she approached this particular Santa at our mall this evening. For some reason, Zoee doesn't seem to be impressed with sitting on Santa's lap. But I sure wish I had my camera with me to see her facial expressions about seeing the ginormous Gingerbread house surrounding his lair. She kept oogling and ahhing over that. And is it just me..or does our particular Santa look like he is really in his late 20's???
Lip Gloss and Letters
When we got home tonigh from seeing Santa (Santa pic in next post), Zoee came into the dining room with us to hang out. She colored a little bit, ate some more of her dinner, played with magnetic letters (that aren't actually hers-they are Ethan's Christmas present that she decided she would unwrap), and applied her favorite lip gloss I purchased today for her. She loves loves loves my chapstick so I decided to buy her some of her own today. Aside from her trying to eat it sometimes and smear it on her cheeks..she does pretty good with aiming to make it on her lips. She is just adorable and we are having so much fun this holiday season!
(Don't worry Jillery--Ethan will get his letters when Zoee unwraps the other package of letters on Christmas..ha ha!)
(Don't worry Jillery--Ethan will get his letters when Zoee unwraps the other package of letters on Christmas..ha ha!)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Mommies Night Out Christmas Party
I had so much fun tonight at our Midessa Christmas Party. I met a few of these ladies for the first time tonight and I couldn't have asked for better company. It's so refreshing getting to meet new women that are going through or have gone through the same things you have as a mother. They give great advice..and we have great talks. I can't wait to see what is in store for the new year!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mommy is in Time Out Book Club

I joined
"Mommy is in Time Out"
Book Club on Facebook
I've always wanted to join a book club..but never thought I have the time. I've decided that I'm not going to watch as much smut on TV (Mike says I watch way too much reality..but that's never stopped me) LOL I thought I might as well use my brain instead of it going to mash! We are going to read and discuss every week about the books.
This is the first book that is on the list and I'm excited about it. We start reading on January 1st. What a great start to a New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lounging Around
Zoee got bit by a li'l vampire named Haggen on Sunday. It was inevitable! We should of known better..letting a rough-and-tough boy and a sassy girl play together in his room. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Zoee also ran and smacked her chin into Amanda's hutch..therefore making yet another scratch on her face. She didn't have very good luck with not getting hurt over the weekend.
She's getting ready to head to take a nap. Her bath totally relaxed her.

This is what we see mostly Zoee doing during our days at home. Climbing on everything you see she loves to stand in the chair (any chair)..and she loves to put on and wear around her Santa hat...look how festive she is! She puts it on, I think, about every two hours or so and plays around with it on.

Zoee also ran and smacked her chin into Amanda's hutch..therefore making yet another scratch on her face. She didn't have very good luck with not getting hurt over the weekend.

She's getting ready to head to take a nap. Her bath totally relaxed her.

This is what we see mostly Zoee doing during our days at home. Climbing on everything you see she loves to stand in the chair (any chair)..and she loves to put on and wear around her Santa hat...look how festive she is! She puts it on, I think, about every two hours or so and plays around with it on.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Olivia Stocking Stuffer Giveaway
Zoee LOVES Olivia! As most of you by now, I've joined what is called Midessa It's a Mommies group for my area and one that I really love to be a part of. Well, Midessa Mommies is a subsidary to The Mommies Network. The Mommies Network had a promotional Olivia Stocking Stuffer Giveaway. I couldn't resist since Zoee loves Olivia so much so I entered.
OLIVIA Stocking Stuffers Giveaway!
The holidays are all about spending time with family and we’d love to see yours! Submit your favorite family photo on The Mommies Network Facebook Page and you will be automatically entered to win one of 25 OLIVIA Stocking Stuffers including her “Merry Christmas OLIVIA” DVD, her OLIVIA Claus book and a mini OLIVIA plush doll.
And guess what?? I won!!! I was so excited when I read my name today on the winner list. What a great stocking stuffer coming from such a great organization! Zoee's going to love these things.
OLIVIA Stocking Stuffers Giveaway!
The holidays are all about spending time with family and we’d love to see yours! Submit your favorite family photo on The Mommies Network Facebook Page and you will be automatically entered to win one of 25 OLIVIA Stocking Stuffers including her “Merry Christmas OLIVIA” DVD, her OLIVIA Claus book and a mini OLIVIA plush doll.
And guess what?? I won!!! I was so excited when I read my name today on the winner list. What a great stocking stuffer coming from such a great organization! Zoee's going to love these things.
Cute Christmas Clothing
Zoee has quite a few Christmas outfits..and this one I really like. Of course, she wouldn't actually pose for a I had to be sneaky and snap a few without her noticing. Hard to take pics of a toodling toddler. Grammy bought her some cute Christmas bows..and this is one of them. I love that I have a little girl to dress up and I couldn't have asked God for a better child. She is so sweet and I learn something new from her each day...she has brought so many blessings to our lives. I love her so much! Thought I'd share our joyous spirit. HUGS
Saturday Night Fun
Tonight we had fun as a family. We had to venture to Wal-Mart to get some more milk for Zoee...and decided to browse around for a while. I love Wal-Mart. Not so much into the crowds..but our Wal-Mart doesn't get too crowded on our side of town. And you know you go to Wal-Mart a lot when you walk inside and the lady cashier smiles and waves like you've known each other for years. This one particular girl has checked us out numerous times and we've gabbed quite often while she is checking us out. I'm so glad there are still good people in this world to be able to do this with...cause a lot of my encounters with checkers are not so grand. The next time I'm in there and she's there..I intend to find out and remember her name. I'm horrible with names..but remember so many faces. After we left Wal-Mart..we didn't want to go home so we went to grab a tea from Bush's Chicken (love 'em because they are so good and you can't beat a .49 cent drink these days). We went around our neighborhood and looked at Christmas lights. There were some really great lights up...but I guess because of the economy the way it is..there werent as many lit up. That's what I'm going to speculate it is. I'd like to hope that they just aren't been Scrooges. LOL Ours is lit up..maybe not the exact way we'd like to have it all decked out..but it's what we have and anything that gets you into the holiday spirit is all right by me.
While looking at the lights I got my camera out and snapped some shots of Zoee with the camera facing towards her..but me not actually looking into the camera to see what I'm shooting. I love to do this..cause you never know what you are going to come out with. Well, these are pics that I snapped..and they are hilarious. I noticed that Miss Priss wiggled her way out of her seat belt harness on the top part and was taking off her shoes and socks. She hates to wear socks. If I don't have her special shoes on during the day and just socks (for instance her getting up from her nap) she yanks her socks right off. Every house that we would stop by that was decked out with Christmas decorations..all we would hear is "UOHHHHHH" over and was adorable. She seemed to really enjoy them. I also took a pic (pic not so good) but wanted to get it in this post) of a beautiful Nativity scene that was outside someone's house. I've seen a lot of Nativity scenes in yards..but this one by far has to be the prettiest portrayl. It was so awesome. Hope you all are having a Jolly Holiday..cause we are having some fun!
While looking at the lights I got my camera out and snapped some shots of Zoee with the camera facing towards her..but me not actually looking into the camera to see what I'm shooting. I love to do this..cause you never know what you are going to come out with. Well, these are pics that I snapped..and they are hilarious. I noticed that Miss Priss wiggled her way out of her seat belt harness on the top part and was taking off her shoes and socks. She hates to wear socks. If I don't have her special shoes on during the day and just socks (for instance her getting up from her nap) she yanks her socks right off. Every house that we would stop by that was decked out with Christmas decorations..all we would hear is "UOHHHHHH" over and was adorable. She seemed to really enjoy them. I also took a pic (pic not so good) but wanted to get it in this post) of a beautiful Nativity scene that was outside someone's house. I've seen a lot of Nativity scenes in yards..but this one by far has to be the prettiest portrayl. It was so awesome. Hope you all are having a Jolly Holiday..cause we are having some fun!
Our Bookworm
I love that Zoee loves to read. We read a lot during the day...I probably read at least 10 books or so a day..a lot of the times a lot more than that..several times a day. If there is a book in sight..she is usually grabbing it and comes over and says, "Momma" while handing me the book. She then proceeds to climb up into my lap and settle in and we read and look at all the pictures and she describes what is on each page and vice versa. I think it's really helping her to acknowledge so much around her. Tonight in the toy aisle at Wal-Mart she noticed Thomas the train sets and said, "Momma, Choo Choo" while putting up her hand and making a horn pulling motion. It was cute. She does this for so many objects around the house..on TV..and things we see out and about. This week she has also been talking so much. In the past two days or so, she really has gotten after it..and there is a lot I understand..and a lot I don't. But you can definitely tell she is saying something. She's done a lot of the "Shhh" sound.."Shhh'ing me when it's quiet time. She's learned her "WH" sound this week..and asks "Why" and "What's that?" She says "Minnie" quite a bit. We go over family members names a lot every day. We are getting closer to potty training. I told Mike my goal is for her to be potty trained by the time she is two. We'll see if we can meet this goal. I watched Super Nanny today that I had DVR'd and she showed some great advice on how to potty train. This week we're going to buy more of the training panties and try to do away with diapers. I've heard it's the easier way to potty train. I think once it becomes routine she will have it down..she has caught on pretty quickly. Our little girl is growing up so fast...and I'm soaking in every minute of it.
What do you get when you add...
tinsel, ugly Christmas material, glitter, puff paint, and some jingle bells?? An Ugly Christmas shirt, of course. My friends and I have a Bunco group that we started up this past summer. Well, it's in full swing. Every month we get together, eat, chat, play Bunco, and it's been a load of fun so far. We try to have a theme every month and my friend, Amber, who is hosting this month's said she wanted to do an Ugly Christmas Sweater Bunco Party. Well, since I don't wear many sweaters...I decided to make a t-shirt.
The other night, my BFF (is this even said anymore), Courtney and her sister Riley all went out to eat at Tequila Tony's, a Mexican food place here in Odessa. Courtney buys gift certificates during the year for half she's so sweet because she's treated us to dinner twice now. I had asked the what they were going to do for the bunco party as far as ugliness and they said they didn't know. Well, we brainstormed and decided to do a trio of t-shirts. This is what we came up with.
Courtney came over that evening and we got to work making these ugly t-shirts. We all have "Ho" on each t-shirt so it spells out "Ho, Ho, Ho!" They to add some lewdness to it..we decided to adorn the back with "Where my Ho's At?" Meaning each other...but not literally...LOL Courtney and I were a glittery mess and didn't know that it would take us so long to sew tinsel around the sleeves and neckline of three shirts. The Bunco Party is going to be on Tuesday night of this coming I will definitely post pics of everybody..and we always take a group pic every month. I'm so glad I put the Bunco group into works..cause I've had so much fun getting out one night of month with some of my favorite people.
The other night, my BFF (is this even said anymore), Courtney and her sister Riley all went out to eat at Tequila Tony's, a Mexican food place here in Odessa. Courtney buys gift certificates during the year for half she's so sweet because she's treated us to dinner twice now. I had asked the what they were going to do for the bunco party as far as ugliness and they said they didn't know. Well, we brainstormed and decided to do a trio of t-shirts. This is what we came up with.
Courtney came over that evening and we got to work making these ugly t-shirts. We all have "Ho" on each t-shirt so it spells out "Ho, Ho, Ho!" They to add some lewdness to it..we decided to adorn the back with "Where my Ho's At?" Meaning each other...but not literally...LOL Courtney and I were a glittery mess and didn't know that it would take us so long to sew tinsel around the sleeves and neckline of three shirts. The Bunco Party is going to be on Tuesday night of this coming I will definitely post pics of everybody..and we always take a group pic every month. I'm so glad I put the Bunco group into works..cause I've had so much fun getting out one night of month with some of my favorite people.
Snotty Holidays
Zoee was having fun during the week playing and learning. I wish I could of said the same thing with laundry and having a cold. I'm still not over this stupid thing..I just need to go to the doctor I guess. I never get over it completely unless I do. Zoee's poor face looks really bad but she just plays like nothing is wrong with her. The medication her pediatrician told me to use that was over-the-counter wasn't she called us in a prescription..hopefully it will be cleared up by Christmas. And poor baby caught her nose on the lip of her kitchen and scratched it up. Hopefully next week will be better for us cause it's been such a "snotty holiday" for me so far.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Theme for 2nd Birthday
A Whopping...21 Months Old
Oh my gosh! Where to begin..
Zoee is
Months Old today. She's as cute as can be and smart as a whip. We've been working hard on learning something new every day. And she is soaking everything in like a sponge. This week alone she is talking a lot more, has said "Grammy" for the first time, is putting things away in the trash and getting things picked up when asked, goes to the fridge when she wants something to drink or eat and I open it up and she points to what she wants and I get her to say the word. She recieved her two new Christmas presents from Grammy and PaPaw and loves them. She has played quite a bit in the them today. (See previous posting)
Zoee is wearing a size 5 diaper and we are going to be really concentrating on potty training soon. I'm trying to get her to where she can pull her own pants up and down before we start persuing it full time. She's met quite a few new friends through my mommy group so far, and we look forward to meeting quite a few more. She is wearing a size 2T in most shirts..some 24 months and she is a 24 month pant/skirt. We go back and see the foot specialist at the end of the month. She still is a pretty finicky eater...meaning she eats when she wants. She doesn't eat a whole lot during the day...but really gets an appetite at night. Her favorite foods right now are tomatoes, green beans, mac&cheese, and we recently started buying her NutterButters. Well, I found out that she likes only the peanut butter out of it..she likes it off of the cracker part like she would an Oreo..ha ha! So we've been giving her some peanut butter. So far she hasn't been allergic to anything..but she does have a little rash around her mouth. The doctor said it's probably from the colder weather and saliva at night. I told her that she is teething off and on she is going to be cutting one more tooth pretty soon. After that tooth, she will have her two-year-old molars and then we are through for a while..I think until she's five..THANK GOODNESS. Teething is so treacherous. I love it when she says, "What is it?" She runs it together and it's so cute. She loves Santa and every time she sees a Santa or hears his name..she runs over to me and says, "Ho, Ho, HO!" She's getting so big and acts so grown sometimes. She's all in all a really great kid...occasionally throws fits when she is teething or needs a nap. She goes right to bed and sleep through the night. She amazes me every day. I love her so much and I can't beleive that two years old is right around the corner. I better get to planning and saving for her birthday party because the next 88 days will go by super fast.
Zoee is

Months Old today. She's as cute as can be and smart as a whip. We've been working hard on learning something new every day. And she is soaking everything in like a sponge. This week alone she is talking a lot more, has said "Grammy" for the first time, is putting things away in the trash and getting things picked up when asked, goes to the fridge when she wants something to drink or eat and I open it up and she points to what she wants and I get her to say the word. She recieved her two new Christmas presents from Grammy and PaPaw and loves them. She has played quite a bit in the them today. (See previous posting)
Zoee is wearing a size 5 diaper and we are going to be really concentrating on potty training soon. I'm trying to get her to where she can pull her own pants up and down before we start persuing it full time. She's met quite a few new friends through my mommy group so far, and we look forward to meeting quite a few more. She is wearing a size 2T in most shirts..some 24 months and she is a 24 month pant/skirt. We go back and see the foot specialist at the end of the month. She still is a pretty finicky eater...meaning she eats when she wants. She doesn't eat a whole lot during the day...but really gets an appetite at night. Her favorite foods right now are tomatoes, green beans, mac&cheese, and we recently started buying her NutterButters. Well, I found out that she likes only the peanut butter out of it..she likes it off of the cracker part like she would an Oreo..ha ha! So we've been giving her some peanut butter. So far she hasn't been allergic to anything..but she does have a little rash around her mouth. The doctor said it's probably from the colder weather and saliva at night. I told her that she is teething off and on she is going to be cutting one more tooth pretty soon. After that tooth, she will have her two-year-old molars and then we are through for a while..I think until she's five..THANK GOODNESS. Teething is so treacherous. I love it when she says, "What is it?" She runs it together and it's so cute. She loves Santa and every time she sees a Santa or hears his name..she runs over to me and says, "Ho, Ho, HO!" She's getting so big and acts so grown sometimes. She's all in all a really great kid...occasionally throws fits when she is teething or needs a nap. She goes right to bed and sleep through the night. She amazes me every day. I love her so much and I can't beleive that two years old is right around the corner. I better get to planning and saving for her birthday party because the next 88 days will go by super fast.

A Few Christmas Presents
Zoee got to open up two of her big gifts from Grammy and PaPaw tonight because we won't be able to bring them along with us to Jillery and Tyler's house this year (where we are going to do Christmas). So Mike put both of them together and she had a blast. She really really loves both and they are going to be hours and hours of fun. After opening, we went and called Grammy and PaPaw to thank them and I put Grammy on speaker phone so she could talk to Zoee. Zoee said for the first time..."Hi Grammy"! We've been trying to get her to say it for a while now. It was so cute. Of course, she didn't want to repeat it. LOL She's been talking a lot this week and we've had so much fun this weekend with Ethan's 1st Birthday, the Christmas parade, and now opening up presents.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Ethan
Ethan turned 1 today and we had so much fun at his Cowboy themed party. Zoee had such a blast and loves that her cousin is getting older so they can play together. Happy 1st Birthday to the cutest nephew in the world!
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