One of my fellow bloggers is having a giveaway on her blog page. It is an awesome please use this link to check it out. I love her blog and I love that she does giveaways and picks randomly.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Lovin' Bubbles and Traci
She gets it from her MAMA!

THE WILD HAIR!! It's out of control some days and cracks me up! We both look like we have cockatoos on top of our heads when we wake up in the morning.
Zoee is growing up so big and this her last week as a 1 year old. (BOO HOO..a little sad about it)
She is doing wonderful on her potty training. She has the concept but sometimes doesn't pull down her undies when she is actually sitting on the we have an accident there..and sometimes she gets to playing or if I'm busy doing something (cleaning, cooking, etc...) I think she forgets to come and tell me that has to go. So we are still having a few accidents..but for the most part..she is doing so great with it and you can just tell how proud she is of herself..and we are so proud of her, as well. I still can't believe we have a daughter who is potty training. WOW! She loves to drink out of big cups now..and feed me ice. HA HA!
Hot Pink Hot Rod

Zoee has had great times in her Hot Pink Hot if she can only figure out how to steer..ha ha. She loves to drive it..but runs into everything. She loves for Mickey and Minnie to cruise along with her.. It's adorable! Mom, the pic of Zoee rubbing her nose happens to be just what we do. (Who would of thought this is a hereditary trait??) Does this mean she's going to have a ball on the end of her nose, as well?? HA HA! Oh, well if it is..cause she's the cutest li'l booger.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Family Fun Night
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Tonight, Zoee pottied in a public restroom for the first time since we started our potty training journey. It was the first attempt and it was a success. She just went in there a like a big girl (me telling her not to touch anything..ha ha) and I held her up on the potty and she did her business, not only once at Mr. Gatti's but also at Kaleidascoops, also. I couldn't be a prouder mom!
Thursday, February 24, 2011

First outing after doing the 3-day potty training and "NO ACCIDENTS"!!
WAY TO GO BIG GIRL!!! I even introduced her to a public restroom. A gross one at that. You really don't realize how gross they are until you have to desanitize the place for your kiddo..HA HA! The finger painting made her thirsty..cause she gulped her cup down. I just knew she was going to go potty in her carseat on the way home cause we had to make a few stops. But she proved me wrong!! As soon as we got home, I asked her if she needed to go potty and she said, "Yes". Took her to the restroom and she peed a mighty pee..ha ha! She was actually holding it and let out a big "AHHH" at the end. I'm so proud of her.
And after today, I really do believe that the 3-day potty training does work. Thank goodness I stuck with it and didn't give up on it. I'm so happy, but my li'l girl is now becoming a "BIG" girl! (Sniff Sniff)
Finger Painting Fun
Zoee and I had a great time today at our Finger Painting Fun playdate. I never knew that Zoee loves to paint so much. Good thing we got Zoee an easel for her birthday coming up. She's going to love, love, love it! Here's a li'l slideshow of the fun!
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Day 3- Potty Training
Day 3 of the 3-day potty training has gone exceptionally well. Only a few accidents today and she now understands what the potty is for, knows how to run to it, and also knows how to use it. AMEN! This method really does work..but it's actually quite grueling, but well worth the time and effort it takes for the first three days. I would recommend it to anyone who is willing to give it a try. I was quite skeptical..but it made a believer out of me. It's going to be a long road ahead trying to keep up with everything. We are venturing out for our first playdate tomorrow we will see how it all goes being out in public. I'm sure she will have a few accidents here and there..but for the most part..she has got it down! I'm so proud of her! WAY TO GO ZOEE!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
She's almost "2"!
It's almost here! I am getting a little sad about it..cause that definitely means she is no longer a baby. Well, she will always be "MY" baby...but not "A" baby. (TEAR TEAR) She's such a smart little girl and amazes us each day. I can now say that she will be potty trained by the time she is 2..that's what I wanted her to be able to accomplish before hitting 2. She's grown up so talking a lot more and I love her more and more each day that passes. I can't wait to see what this next year brings. I wish it would all slow down..but such is life...comes and goes in the blink of an eye. I am just trying to cherish all these wonderful moments and memories with her before she gets old enough to not want to be around me anymore.. HA HA!
Her party is in exactly 10 days..and of course I'm already prepared for it. Everything is ready to go except for a few minor things. I have to decide what exactly I'm going to do on the tops of cupcakes..and wrap some presents. Then everything else will have to be done the day of the party. Her theme is Minnie Mouse and I love that Chanda (our photographer we used the other day) sent me another pic of her to put up on her table at the party. She's so adorable and boy, does she love Minnie Mouse. It's going to be a really fun day..and we can't wait!
Her party is in exactly 10 days..and of course I'm already prepared for it. Everything is ready to go except for a few minor things. I have to decide what exactly I'm going to do on the tops of cupcakes..and wrap some presents. Then everything else will have to be done the day of the party. Her theme is Minnie Mouse and I love that Chanda (our photographer we used the other day) sent me another pic of her to put up on her table at the party. She's so adorable and boy, does she love Minnie Mouse. It's going to be a really fun day..and we can't wait!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Potty Training-Day 2
Today has gone a lot better. We've only had to do one load of laundry. She is now grasping the concept..but still a lot of accidents. She has only pottied in her potty once today and she got a BIG reward. She loves it when her Daddy comes home. She is so excited to tell him what she has done all day. I love it that Mike helps at night with the training. What a great Daddy! She seems to want to impress him more than me. HA HA!
Another HUGE accomplishment this week is that she is now cup-free when laying down at night or during naptime. I didn't think it would that easy..I guess with all the other going on..maybe she's not thinking about having her cup?? She does get a cup of milk about an 1-2 hours before bed..that way she has enough time to get it out before she lays down. She is staying up later than usual..but I'm hoping that goes back to normal when everything dies back down around here. She has had no accidents as of yet at nap time or night time.
It's been grueling..watching her every move for 2 days straight and we've become a little stir crazy. We are used to getting out and about about 3 or more times a week and we haven't been anywhere so far this week. She keeps going to the door and says, "GO"! I feel bad..but the payoff is going to be so great. We have been pull-up free for 2 days now. GO ZOEE!!! I love her so much and we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Another HUGE accomplishment this week is that she is now cup-free when laying down at night or during naptime. I didn't think it would that easy..I guess with all the other going on..maybe she's not thinking about having her cup?? She does get a cup of milk about an 1-2 hours before bed..that way she has enough time to get it out before she lays down. She is staying up later than usual..but I'm hoping that goes back to normal when everything dies back down around here. She has had no accidents as of yet at nap time or night time.
It's been grueling..watching her every move for 2 days straight and we've become a little stir crazy. We are used to getting out and about about 3 or more times a week and we haven't been anywhere so far this week. She keeps going to the door and says, "GO"! I feel bad..but the payoff is going to be so great. We have been pull-up free for 2 days now. GO ZOEE!!! I love her so much and we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Monday, February 21, 2011
Potty Training-Day 1
Today we started the 3-Day Potty Training challenge. I've heard about this from several moms and they all said that it really I decided to try it. It is Day 1 and the picture below of Zoee portrays how I've felt today..but I sure didn't let on about it. By 10 am, I had already done one load of panties. And she had about 8 pairs in that load. I had to be resourceful cause I thought I had enough panties and didn't think she would pee in that many..boy, was I wrong. I'd put a pair on her and get her off the potty and she'd tinkle in it right away. Mike had to go by an economy pack of panties after work so we could start with 10 more pairs for Day 2. We had to say so long to pull-ups FOREVER. So we did our ritual of "Saying Goodbye to Pull-ups" this morning. She got to throw the last that we had left (which was four) away, one by one. This is so I won't use them as a crutch and so that the process will actually work. She had about a bizillion "accidents" today. She peed on her toybox after getting up from her nap. She peed in the dining room chair while eating lunch. She peed on the floor in the living room about 5-6 times. And this other picture is of the trickle she left from the living room to the dining room this evening. We have pee up to our ears around here. I'm going to have to disinfect like crazy, run the steam cleaner a million times, and steam mop the floor a couple of times. I kept doubting that this is really going to work, even went back and read over the process again to make sure I was doing everything right and was assured that if I stay consistent that it would. Sure enough, by midnight (yes, Zoee didn't want to go to sleep apparently) Mike went to lay her down..realized she had peed in her panties a he swooped her up and put her on the potty..all while she was throwing kind of a fit because she didn't want to go to sleep. She then released into the toliet and I did the biggest potty dance I could do and she then had to be rewarded. I have a bowl of goodies that I have been telling her all day that she could have one if she would go pee pee in the potty. It took until midnight..but she finally did it. She picked out a Blow Pop to suck I let her have it because I was so excited and that's what I had been promising her. She sucked on it for a while, kept saying "Apple" even though it was Watermelon flavored (so cute!) and I had to trade her Blow Pop with her toothbrush (she loves her toothbrush) to get it away from her. She is now asleep and tomorrow will start Day 2. Wish us luck. I'm trusting the process..and just when I thought all hope was lost..God gave me a gracious sign right at midnight that it could be possible..ha ha! Thank you Lord!!

7 Years and Counting...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Afternoon with the Meltons
Erica, P.J., Mike, Carlie, Zoee, and I all went to lunch today at Spanish Inn in Big Spring after taking our family pictures. We had a good time eating and catching up and then went to feed the ducks. We took some bread but I guess the ducks had been eating all day, cause only two li'l stragglers came over to where we were. Mike threw a piece of bread out at one of them and it landed right on his back. It was funny. It even stayed there. The girls had a great time catching up, as well!
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Playdate with Saralyn
We had so much fun today at Anabel's house. Zoee got to play with Saralyn, a girl we met in Midessamommies. They are really close in age..2 months apart and are both only kids right now. Saralyn is about to have a baby brother in May. But they really don't know how to share so we are going to be getting them together at least once a week. It was a lot of fun and the girls had a good time.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Fun at the Duck Pond
We had the best time at the Duck Pond today. Zoee chased all the pigeons around and wore them out and me, too! LOL
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MCM Playdate
We went to a playdate today at Music City Mall. Zoee has so much fun playing with kiddos around her age. I met two new mommies that just joined our group and we recruited two more moms that were letting their kiddos play, as well. It was so fun!
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Weekend Trip to see Sebrena
We took a weekend trip up to Lubbock to see Sebrena and do a li'l shopping. We haven't seen Sebrena in a while and she seems so grown up now. We love her so much and wished we could see her more! Zoee really loves her "Sissy" and had fun learning how to put make up on and razzing each other. We had a great time and can't wait to see her again..hopefully soon.
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Crazy "Cookie" Cookiness
Monday, February 7, 2011
Super Bowl XLV
Packers Won! Yeah Baby!!! We had a Super Bowl Party at our house tonight with close friends and family. We had a great time..chowing down on some yummy food, watching the BIG game, watching the kiddos play, Zoee showing us her own halftime show..and gabbing. I wished I had taken more pictures..but here are the ones I did get to post. And a small snipet of Zoee dancing..wished I had caught the beginning cause that was the funniest when Usher came on she was copying everything he was hilarious! Again another successful Super Bowl party with friends, family, and food!
Here's the halftime show. I love the Black Eyed Peas and Usher and they rocked it out!

Here's the halftime show. I love the Black Eyed Peas and Usher and they rocked it out!
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