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Saturday, April 30, 2011
2011 Permian Basin Walk Now for Autism Speaks
We had such a great time today!! Walking for Troy and for a great cause. Zoee had a ton of fun too with all the kiddo things to do. We also had a table for our MidessaMommies group there that Traci & Kara sat at. Troy is my friend, Jessica's son who has autism. He is such an awesome guy and so loving. Jessica worked for months and months on raising money and promoting the Autism Walk. She did an amazing job!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Taco Bueno
Fort Worth Zoo
We took Zoee on the way out of town to the Fort Worth Zoo for a few hours. Mike and I had never been and it was awesome. Hot and humid--but awesome! Zoee was in awe of everything around..she kept saying, "WOW!" HA! It was so cute. It is so amazing seeing everything through a child's eyes. She finally got to see some of the animals that we talk about every day and read about in her books. It was a great family outing and a wonderful wrap up of our trip to the big city!
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Visit with the Bollo's
We had such a great time with my old friend from high school, Shelly and her family. We met up with them in Dallas and at the Purple Cow. I enjoyed getting to know Edmond, Liem, and Malyka. Liem and Zoee had a blast together. Our burgers were yummy and then we stopped and got the kiddos some Easter cookies from a lil' bakery a few doors down. Hope we get to see them again real soon..cause I haven't seen Shelly in 12 years and that is just way too long.
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Visit to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
Zoee's specialist appointment went wonderfully. I was so nervous thinking about all that he could say. But we found out great news! We found out that she only has twisting in her hips called anteversion. He said that nothing is majorly wrong with her..and it's hard for him to explain that to us because we visibly see that she is walking with such a drastic intoeing gait. (meaning she walks and runs pigeon-toed) He said that we will just have to let time take it's course and it should eventually straighten out. He did all sorts of tests to rule out anything neurological, which I would of never thought about that. He said she is healthy and above average on her milestones. The only reason we would have to go back is if she breaks something in her lower extremities (legs, foot) then they would want to see her. And also if it doesn't correct itself substantially before the age of 10, then they will have to do surgery where they go in and cut her thigh bones in half and place a pin in them. But that's a ways off and we are praying that everything works the way it's suppose to and we don't have to go that route. She's been wearing corrective shoes (regular tennis shoes that have an arch and wedge built onto them) for almost a year. The specialist from Midland is the one that prescribed these to her and the doctor at SR said they are not doing a bit of good and he was afraid they would over correct her feet and cause other problems. So that was a blessing because each pair of shoes was costing about $160.00 out of pocket because most insurances don't cover it. He said that she will fall more than other toddlers..but all kids fall down. As long as she's getting back up and keeps going. She is extremely active and I told them it sure doesn't slow her down any. He said no, be prepared to run quicker because with her intoeing the way it is..she will be faster. He said think of it this way, runners run with their feet in and not out..cause if you run with them out you are slower. So this should be interested! HA! But we were very pleased with the hospital and doctors that saw Zoee. She loved that we got bags of popcorn to take with us and she acted so good. We went across the street at their lil' park to have some fun afterwards. Zoee loved it! She met some new friends there, too! She is very outgoing and loves to be social. We are so blessed to have such great news!!
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Our Stay in Dallas
On Thursday, we headed to Dallas for Zoee's doctor's appointment at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. I had hadn't heard from the Ronald McDonald house so I decided to give them a call to see if we were able to stay there. The lady told me that unfortunately they didn't have any room for us but said she would call if they had anything come available. I was bummed. So then around 12:30 when we arrived into Fort Worth, I get a call saying that a family had checked out and that we would be able to check in if we still wanted the room. We were thrilled. I had heard so many amazing things about the house and as we pulled up and checked in, it was just as some had told me. AMAZING!! Our whole stay was awesome and we so loved meeting new people and the whole experience. I was so nervous about Zoee's appointment the next day, but tried not to show it. When you stay, they feed you 3 meals a day if you would like. We decided to have dinner with them and breakfast the next morning. It was so delicious. They have volunteers that come in and make the meals every day. What wonderful and generous people! If you are having to stay with your children for any medical reason in the Dallas area, I would strongly suggest you stay with them. It's an awesome experience!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011
MidessaMommies Eggtastic Bash
We had our MidessaMommies Eggtastic Bash today at the park. It was so much fun. We gabbed, ate pizza and cake, let the kiddos play and hunt eggs. We had door prizes and I won a month's worth of free yoga. AWESOME day!
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Friday, April 15, 2011
Friday @ BK
We went to Burger King today after our Tots Book Club playdate with Desiree, Micheal, and Lily. Micheal and Zoee had a lot of fun on the playground and I'm still astonished at how Zoee just climbs up on the HUGE equipment and slides down the BIG slide. It only took one time of someone showing her how..and she is one brave lil' 2 year old. We had a great time and headed to browse the mall afterwards.

Tots Book Club
OH MY..Zoee had such a great time today. We went to MM's Tots Book Club at the Library and had soo much fun. Two books were read and the kids played with the ball rolling it back and forth to each other learning everybody's name. Then they got the parachute out and boy, did they have fun! To wrap it up, Kara put together an arts/crafts project. Because we learned colors in the book, she had the kids put rainbow colors onto their paper with construction paper. It was so cute because Zoee was actually counting out the pieces of paper to put on there. I loved this because it's so educational and Zoee loved it because she got to have fun and see all of her new and old friends!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Jumping Party-April
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Stomach Bug Strikes!
The nasty stomach bug has hit over here. Jillery kept Zoee while we went to the Crawfish Boil. I thought it would be fun for her to get to hang out and play with her cousin, Ethan. Well, towards the end of the night Zoee ended up pooping on their floor. I thought this was really strange. A little bit later she vomited everywhere and so we went and got her. She made it all the way home and as soon as we pulled into the drive way she threw up again. Poor baby was hit by the bug. She continued to be sick throughout the night off and on until about 7:30 am. She was fine all day even ate some mashed potatoes and had a bottle of Pedialyte during the whole day Sunday..but threw up again about 11:30 Sunday tonight. She was so hungry..and was begging for milk around 8:00 pm. I read online that you can give toddlers milk about 6 hours after the last vomit. I gave her a little bit and, of course, it didn't sit on her stomach very well. She is better now..and sleeping nicely..hopefully no one we came into contact with, or ourselves get the bug.

Saturday, April 9, 2011
First Experience with Mud Bugs

We had such a great time on Saturday afternoon going out and listening to some great music and experiencing for the first time the taste of good ol' mud bugs "Crawfish". I think between the four of us...there were about 6 boxes of Crawfish eaten along with all the trimmings. We definitely got our $10.00 worth. HA

Lovely West Texas
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Scare followed by the Fat Lip

After having a lovely afternoon with friends at McDonalds, we went home and as soon as Zoee got into the door she stripped her shoes off. She went immediately for her socks and while sitting on the floor was trying to pull her socks off, I guess the motion yanked her forward. She did not have time to brace herself with her hands and she went face first into the tile. I ran over, yanked her up and blood was everywhere and she was screaming. I panicked for a minute cause I immediately thought she had busted out her front teeth because there was so much blood. I ran and got what I needed to calm her down and clean her up. I checked her teeth. The bleeding stopped pretty that was good. Teeth were fine..WHEW!! But her lip on the side she busted swoll up so fast. I have never seen anything like it. I felt so bad for her. She wouldn't let me put ice on it to get the swelling to go down and make it feel a little better, so I gave her a popsicle. She loved it. She didn't really make it out to be a big neither did I. She calmed down pretty fast and was up playing again in no time. It's amazing how kids just bounce right back.
Red Friday & McDonalds
I decided to meet some MM friends at McDonalds and let Zoee play. PaPaw went to eat with us there and then he left and we stayed and played. The girls had a lot of fun and Zoee wore her Red Friday outfit to help support the troops! Zoee is growing up way too fast. She is already scaling the whole playground equipment ..all the way up to the very top (and this thing is HUGE) and comes down the slides. She is so brave! We've met so many great friends through MM (MidessaMommies) and it's been so great for us to get out and about.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Jamming Out with Kaleb
Zoee and I went over to Jessica's house (one of my friends that I met through MidessaMommies) on Thursday. Jessica's son, Kaleb, loves to play Guitar Hero. I was very impressed because he is only 6 months older than Zoee. He knew how to turn it on..which song to go to, how to jam out! It was sooo adorable! He was even singing. They had fun playing together..and it was so cute when we were leaving they hugged each other.

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