I have had three sinking spells is what I call them in the past two days. I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. All three times it's almost as if I'm hypoglycemic. Not sure if I'm not eating enough because of my pain from the ulcer or not. I have had a sinking spell all three times where I clam up, get sweaty, start to get the shakes, and feel like I'm going to faint. It's rather scary because it comes on suddenly and takes a while to go away. With the last spell, which was in the evening, I got an instant headache and became extremely nauseous.
I have ruled out pregnancy (with a negative test), I took my blood sugar and that was fine, and my blood pressure was a little elevated, but not much. So I have not a clue what could be going on, unless it has something to do with my ulcer or whatever is wrong with my stomach. I have been having bad insomnia for the past couple of weeks, also. I have a gastroenterologist appointment on June 2nd..so hopefully he can figure out what is going on with me. I will be trying to set up an appointment with a regular doctor this week if I can get in sooner. I'm just afraid it will happen when I'm all alone with Zoee and that just scares me to death. Please pray that I get answers quickly and will heal even faster.