Zoee's the BIG 30 Months Old today!
2 1/2 Years has come and gone in an instant. I love her more and more every day. She's so smart and has the best personality. Her two's haven't been too terrible so far...I'm hoping I don't eat my words soon..HA! I happened to weigh her today because I was looking at a size chart for some holiday clothing..and she has actually lost a pound since last month. I guess it's because I've been trying to get her off of as much milk and she's eating a little bit more food now. She still LOVES her milk (her comfort staple..much like a pacifier or blanket) but I'm just glad she doesn't stand at the refrigerator anymore and beg and cry for it. She's just a very active lil' toddlin' Toddler. We've had a lot going on lately and I've planned several play dates out with her friends for this month..so we're gearing up for those. She loves her play mates and always says "FWIENDS" as we pull up to meet them. So adorable! We are going to be buying Fall clothing for her very soon. Grammy has already started buying her quite a few things. I cannot wait for all the Fall festivities to go and do with Zoee this year. Last year, she wasn't quite old enough for a lot of it..but this year..will be perfect! She still loves to read and actually knows all her primary colors. Surprised my mom because she knows all her shapes already. She can sing the Alphabet Song music..but doesn't quite know the alphabet yet..we are working on that. She can count to 10 and knows her age. She still likes to repeat a lot..so we have to be careful to swear around her. She is still taking one nap most days..if she doesn't take a nap..she usually is really exhausted and zonks out early that night. She is wearing 4T clothing already and wears a 7-8 shoe size. Her hair is getting fuller and getting a little bit longer. Her favorite toys right now are her new piggy bank (from Grammy & PaPaw), trains, My Little Pony's and her favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Olivia, and she also likes The Backyardagins, Curious George, and sometimes Handy Manny. Sesame Street has kind of taken the back burner right now. She loves to dance and likes to put on a shirt or tutu while dancing. She even requests me to put on music for her to dance. When she turns 3, we will be putting her in dance classes. I can't believe she has six more months for that. She loves green beans right now..mac-n-cheese, mashed potatoes, mandarin oranges, anything chocolate, and likes dipping things, ketchup, ranch..etc... Her sleep pattern is kind of different. She doesn't move much while sleeping (which is odd for a kiddo) but she will sometimes get up in the middle of the night and come and get into bed with us..I let her fall back asleep and then she will go right back into her toddler bed. She is just now scared of the dark because of "monsters" she says. She associates the dark with monsters...so I will be trying Monster Spray soon. She poses for pictures now and I'm still so blessed to be able to stay home and work with her. Dad says she is extremely smart...so that makes me feel good that I'm doing something right with her. She is polite and uses her manners. Pweese..Thank you..Your welcome! I think my most favorite thing is we end each day with me saying.."Ok Zoee..let's say our prayers". She will bow her head, put her hands together in a prayer position and start praying for everybody she can name off in her life. We go down the line and so she prayers for all her family and friends. I think it's the sweetest thing EVER and I'm so happy that God has blessed us with the sweetest lil' 2 1/2 year old!