We had such a great time at Thanksgiving this year. We had Sebrena with us...which was awesome..cause we have rarely seen her at the holidays these past couple of years. Mike loved having both of his daughters there celebrating. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures other than this one above of Zoee being a stinker in the car waiting for PaPaw to come and pick us up. I guess I was just preoccupied with soaking up lovin' from my new niece, feeding my face with copious amounts of turkey and desserts (something I rarely indulge in because of the weight loss challenge), and spending time with family. Mike and I are so very thankful for Zoee and Sebrena and how much they have blessed our lives. We are extremely blessed for my Mom and Dad and how they have blessed our lives as a wonderful Grammy & PaPaw..we so wish that Mike's parents will turn a new leaf and do the same in the start of a new year. They are just missing out on such precious moments and memories with these two awesome girls! Life is way too short to not love one another and the time we do have on earth. I am thankful especially for Mike. He is such a loving husband...works so hard for our family...and is a great Daddy. He's truly my best friend and I couldn't have asked God to send me a more perfect mate for me. Lots to be thankful for this year. Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving! :)