Our evening ritual during the week since Mike doesn't see Zoee much during the day is that he gives her a bath, reads to her, tells her stories (lately it's been her telling him stories), and then he lays with her until she falls asleep. Well, this particular night..I'm not feeling good (I actually was sick to find out later) so I laid down in bed early as Mike was putting Zoee down. Her bedroom is right across the hall from ours and her door and my door were wide open so I could hear their conversation. It went as follows:
"Hey Dad--Mom has been driving me crazy!" Mike replies, "Are you sure it's not the other way around, Mija ..where you have been driving your Mom crazy?" She said.."Nope..she's driving ME crazy!"
I couldn't help but laugh out loud at what I was hearing. How does a lil' three year old understand so much?? I'm sure she is referring to the fact that I am getting on to her more lately because she has been whinier and more defiant.
My theory was proven when my parents came over on Sunday and the first thing she says to them both is:
"Grammy & PaPaw--they (referring to Mike and I) have mean and ugly to me!" OH BOY!! We have a little tattletale already and she definitely is using it in the right context because she had just gotten into trouble for being defiant and saying "NO!" Not only yelling it..but screaming also. Man..we are in for it during the three's. Somebody told me you will like your children again when they turn 4 or 5..HA HA! I'm beginning to understand why. LOL