Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Night @ the Big Sky Drive In

 Mike, Zoee, and I went and saw Turbo and Despicable Me 2 at the Drive In on Monday.  They were both really really cute.  We found out that Zoee can really only last through one movie without getting tired.  But she got to play on the play ground and we got to see movies that we've all been wanting to see and spend quality time together.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pooped Out!

I would say that they had a blast together this weekend.  Right after lunch on Sunday with Grammy, PaPaw, and us..we looked over and they had fallen asleep on the couch together.  So sweet!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sleep Over

Ethan had his first sleep over with us the Saturday while they were visiting.  He was such a big boy and the kids both slept together all night and didn't even wake up early.  They love each other so much and it warms my heart to see them together.  I love they get to grow up together.

Backyard Bouncing

 Having fun on our bouncer in our tall grass in our backyard.  The grass was mowed less than two weeks ago and look how tall it's grown.  Crazy.

He cracks me up!
 Cousin Love!
 Eating some lunch at Fazoli's and Lillian came and plopped in the chair with Zoee.  Sweet!
Zoee loves dressing Lillian up..She is looking FIERCE!

Play at the Park with Cousins

 We took the kiddos to the park this morning to run around for a while.  They love playing together..had a race and twirled on the equipment.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Poolside Play on Friday

Having a little fun in the pool with our lil' fishes.

 The cutest cousins EVER!
 Such brave lil' ones.  Going off the big diving board!
Zoee decided to try it and back out.
 Oh, wait!  She's talked herself back in.  And she went for it.
Playing a lil' B-ball.

Greatest Show on Earth

We went and saw the Greatest Show on Earth.  It was Mike and I, Zoee, Lillian, Jillery, and Ethan.  I absolutely have always loved the circus so I think I was more excited than the kiddos.  HA  Here is a pic of when it first started.  I love the excitement of awe and joy on their faces.  They had a pre-show where we got to sit on the ring itself and out came some of the acts and animals.  It was awesome getting to see the animals up close..especially the amazing elephants.  Zoee got called up several times to help demonstrate and act along in the show.  It was really neat.