Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ethan's 4th "Planes" Birthday Party

 Ethan will turn 4 on Wednesday the 4th of .  They had his birthday party this weekend while everybody was together.  He's getting so big and I can't believe the kids are 4.  He's just too cute!
He was sooo excited to open his presents.


 Having fun at McDonald's.

Friday, November 29, 2013


 We didn't take a whole lot of Thanksgiving picture this year.  It was very low key.  Mom cooked a delicious meal and we ate on Friday instead of Thursday.  I took a long nap afterwards.  HA!  Here Zoee took wrapping paper card board and made a tent on the couch.  She's pretty creative.

 Making peanut butter cup cookies.  These were gone fast because they were so yummy!
I jammed my toes on the edge of the wall.  It hurt SOO bad and it hurt three of my toes. It scraped my foot and instantly started bruising and was hard to walk on.   

 Ethan let me cut his hair so he got one of his birthday presents early since he was such a good boy. He was showing Papaw all about it.
This was taken before Thanksgiving but  I just love it. Our sweet girls fight but are getting closer each and every day.  Zoee loves her Sebrena AKA Sissy being here.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christmas Photos

Because of the early weather conditions, we decided to take our own Christmas pictures.  They turned out really really well and I was able to order our Christmas cards that are so beautiful.  We are so blessed!

Ice Storm

 Can we say FRIGID!!!  Our weather is so unruly here in West Texas.  The other day it was 75 and then that night we received a cold front and became blistery cold at 10:00 pm that night.  The wind was nuts and we woke up with ice on our cars and some in the grass and on the streets.  The following day, we had an ice storm.  Not snow..all ICE!
 This is what it looked like the next day.  Ice on everything.  It's really pretty..but not fun to be stuck in the house all weekend. :(

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fairy and Feeling Fa La La La La ish

 I just love Zoee's art work.  She randomly draws pictures like this.  Her fairy is AWESOME!
Time to bust out the Christmas decorations..Fa La La La La...La La ..La ..La!  This girls are our world!

Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice

Sebrena wanted to make sugar she asked Zoee if she wanted to help.  Here they are making some yummy iced sugar cookies (and they were DELICIOUS).  I'm so glad I have a baker in the house, now.  Sebrena loves to bake and she's really really great at it. They had some messy fun today.

Friday, November 22, 2013


 Zoee and her Daddy made some hand turkeys out of construction paper tonight.  Zoee is so blessed to have a Daddy that will sit and do crafts with her.  Many Dads don't even take the time to spend with their kiddos..let alone sit and draw, cut, glue, and share laughs and make memories with them.  He also made her an Indian head dress with attached adorable!  We're gearing up for Thanksgiving!  Can't wait.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playdate @ the Park

Fun time with fun friends...just a swingin'!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Jumping Party

 After school we took Zoee to Jumping Party to stay out of the house for a while.  We took some silly pictures.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weekend with Cousins

 On the trampoline at Grammy & Papaw's house.
Sleepover at Aunt Jillery & Uncle Tyler's House.  All snuggled on a pallet on the fun!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Drive In Movie

 Mom and Dad took Zoee for the weekend so Sebrena, Mike, and I went to the drive in to see Last Vegas and Bad Grandpa.  Both were funny movies.  It's starting to get colder here.  BRRRR....