Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Family Fun at the Lake

Swinging with Daddy

My cousin, Amy and her 2-month-old son, Owen

Cute cousins having a blast

Jhett and Zoee taking a dip in the pool

She's just relaxing..don't you wish life could be this simple all the time?

Hanging out with my mom' friend, Carol..She lives in Round Rock and drove over to hang out.

My bathing suit beauty getting ready to take a dip in the pool

Giving her cousin, Jhett hugs

Spending time with Grammy

Well, I'm finally back from almost a week-long vacation. We went to stay at my Aunt Kathy's lake house. We stayed from Tuesday-Monday. We had a lot of fun spending time with family and friends. We went to Round Rock during the week to do a little shopping at the awesome outlet mall there. And I also got to spend a few hours in IKEA for the first time in my life. I had always wanted to go into one..and just like I rocked. They have such neat things.

During our visit to Austin, I got to see my friend, Brenee'. I haven't seen her since her wedding last summer and it was good times getting to catch up. I miss her dearly and we always seem to pick up right where we left off. I wished we lived closer..but she seems so happy and I'm so happy for her.

Mike showed up Saturday morning and spent the weekend with that was a treat. I didn't think he was going to get to come. Thought he was going to have to work all weekend. We stayed an extra night after everybody left.

Zoee got to swim twice while we were there and she just loved it. I bought her a lil' pool..just perfect for her. She just relaxed and learned to splash and kick.

All in all, I was so glad we got to spend the weekend with family and friends..and I wish we could do it more often. I really miss my family...and wish that my family would make an effort to get together more often. It's harder when you grow up and start having families of your own...but doesn't take a lot to get together for dinner or even a weekend.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Little Miss Independent

She loves it when Mike picks her up like this..they play like she is waterskiing

(he makes all kinds of funny water sounds)

Stopping for a picture, of course..she looks so long in this picture

(maybe it's the larger-size p.j.'s we just had to buy her)

She likes to stand up and is super strong.
Lil' Diva always posing!

She always has that lil' arm bent behind her..I swear she could be a contortionist when she grows up if she keeps that up.

Ahh..caught Mommy with the camera.. this is her first stance of trying to get up and go.

Loving on Harriet the Hippo (or that's what I call her)

She's almost got it if she can only figure out how to get those arms up..she'll be on the move and we'll be in trouble.

" Bye Dad, Love ya" (Mike was leaving for work) I promise I thought she put her hand up to wave goodbye..ha ha

Little Miss Independent is my daughter's new title... She loves to do things on her own..she is already trying to hold up her own bottle..already trying to crawl..rolls over like's nobody's business, and has fits like you wouldn't believe when she doesn't get her way. You are only 4 months old, Zoee, will you please slow down already?? I love capturing this moments on film and seeing her grow. It just amazes me when she does something new. I'm priviledged that I get to stay at home and witness everything. Thanks Mike for working so hard so I can be able to do that. I promise I won't gripe anymore about having to clean the house or laundry all the

Friendly Visit with an Old Friend

t The kids were singing songs to Zoee..she especially loved "Happy Birthday" even though she has a while until her real birthday.

Playing together..making Zoee smile.

Zoee just loves Mindy and Vannah.

Vannah's first time getting to hold Zoee. I'm sure Zoee is going to look up to her she would a sister.

I had a great visit with an old friend a few days ago. I went and saw Mindy, Zach, and her kiddos. Beau and Luke are twins, Savannah is oldest and then Torbyn wasn't there. Mindy is Supermom after having four kids, all close in age. I used to go and visit her when the kiddos were younger and see how stressed out and overworked she was. I now know exactly how she is feeling..well the overwhelmed part of being a mom. I don't have four..but some days I feel like I do.

When we went over, the kids just loved Zoee. They were singing all kinds of songs to her and she was having a ball. Savannah kept saying how cute she was. I remember going over to watch the twin boys, Beau and Luke, when I was pregnant. Beau just loved on my belly. They are brilliant lil' kids so full of life and I can't wait to see them get older. I'm glad to see my friend, Mindy is finally getting what she deserves..a good fiancee, great new job, and super kiddos.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Zoee Follies

This is Zoee, Mike, and her Uncle Mac trying to pretend they are gangsters.

She was sad we took her out of her bathtub..she loves baths!

Love this...she's learned to blow bubbles and do nurples.

Goofing around with Mamasita.

She was soooo sooo happy!

Only Mom can dress me up to look totally ridiculous.

Goofy grinning!

OK..funny story..I had her laying on the couch on her boppy underneath a blanket..when I realized the boppy was way too close to the edge of the couch..I went over and pulled off the blanket and this is what I found. Her basically hanging off..this is when I realized that she was a mover and shaker.

She fell asleep while I was feeding her...ha ha..look at the dribble!

Here are some pictures of my favorite funny moments with Zoee. Yesterday, Mike was making her laugh and we realized that she laughes just like me, open mouth and all. She cracks me up all the time. I just love her quirkiness and she totally rocks!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lil' Bunny FOOFOO

"Umm..I think I like them..."

Feeding her carrots for the first time ..she says: "I don't know about this"

This is her latest thing is sticking her two fingers in her mouth when she sleeps.

AHH... how cute..Mike and I were playing dress up. LOL

This week we are trying carrots. She really seems to love 'em. She's still not eating a whole lot of the carrots or rice cereal..but we are taking it slow and going with the flow. I'm going to introduce a new veggie each be prepared..ha ha! Also here are some pics of Mike and I dressing her up ..she's just so darn cute!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jumparoo Fun

She loves to sit in front of the TV

"Are you watching, Mom?"

Zoee seemed to be getting bored with her usual swinging and bouncing in her bouncer (the one that is stationary). So Mike and I decided to buy her a new toy : The Jumparoo. This thing has all kinds of bells and whistles on it..and she absolutely has a ball. She especially loves to bounce away while watching the Noggin channel. She loves TV...which could be a bad thing...but since we spend so much time at home..that is one of our favorite pasttimes lately. I hope she is soaking up all the learning from the Noggin channel..I know that I've been learning a lot, even some Spanish.

I also took her to the pediatrician the other day because I thought she was coming down with something. Well, he said she might have a slight cold..but it didn't last long. She didn't even run fever. So he checked her over and decided to give her the dreaded 4-month shots. I dread them more than anything because I know when and how it's coming. She didn't even cry. She's such a lil' trooper when it comes to getting them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Aunts..Uncles..Cousins..OH MY!

Zoee's cousins-Kaleb, Sebrena (sister), Dylan, and Isabelle

Isabelle loves, loves, loves Zoee. I think she likes to treat her like one of her dolls. She loves helping out with her and holding her.

Dylan loves holding her, too.

Giving sweet love to her Uncle Mac

This is the first time Mark got to hold her. He's such a great daddy.

Great Aunt Maureen and 2nd cousin, Margaret. They were so excited when she arrived!

Zoee's Uncle T.J. (Tyler) giving her a bottle

Her Auntie Jillery holding her for the first time.

Zoee has been having some great times getting to know her Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. I can't wait for her grow up with her aunts, uncles, and cousins and make many memories like I did as a child.