(he makes all kinds of funny water sounds)
(maybe it's the larger-size p.j.'s we just had to buy her)
She likes to stand up and is super strong.
Lil' Diva always posing!

She always has that lil' arm bent behind her..I swear she could be a contortionist when she grows up if she keeps that up.
Ahh..caught Mommy with the camera.. this is her first stance of trying to get up and go.
Loving on Harriet the Hippo (or that's what I call her)
She's almost got it down..now if she can only figure out how to get those arms up..she'll be on the move and we'll be in trouble.
" Bye Dad, Love ya" (Mike was leaving for work) I promise I thought she put her hand up to wave goodbye..ha ha
Lil' Diva always posing!
Little Miss Independent is my daughter's new title... She loves to do things on her own..she is already trying to hold up her own bottle..already trying to crawl..rolls over like's nobody's business, and has fits like you wouldn't believe when she doesn't get her way. You are only 4 months old, Zoee, will you please slow down already?? I love capturing this moments on film and seeing her grow. It just amazes me when she does something new. I'm priviledged that I get to stay at home and witness everything. Thanks Mike for working so hard so I can be able to do that. I promise I won't gripe anymore about having to clean the house or laundry all the time...lol
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