Grammy's giving her moochies..and she's trying to give them back.
First of all..I cannot believe I'm a mom and second, I cannot believe I'm a mom of almost a 4-month old lil' girl. She is getting so big..and she couldn't be anymore lovable and adorable. She's learned to roll over ..she's extremely strong (legs and arms)..she babbles and laughs..heard her laugh out loud yesterday for the first time and she's giggled two different nights in her sleep. She must be having funny dreams. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I get to see how much she weighs and how long she is. She's drinking 4-5 ounces of formula in one setting and she still sleeps wonderfully through the night...I'm so excited about that. I've started her out on cereal once a day..but she's only eating a few bites right now. Getting her used to it. She loves the thought of eating..but doesn't like the rice cereal too much. It's so exciting to see her grow up..but I wish she would slow down just a little bit. It's going by way too fast. Before I know it, she's going to be crawling and then walking everywhere and talking back to me..lol I can't believe there's a lil' Amanda and Mikey around..cause she looks like the both of us. It's crazy cause she already has shown her temper..she throws lil' fits. Both sets of grandparents are spoiling her so much. But...of course, babies cannot be spoiled..she gets so many kisses and hugs ..and her favorite is eskimo kisses. Mike and I are really so fortunate to have such a smart, beautiful lil' girl and couldn't be more blessed!
I was also very excited to hear that Jillery and Tyler are going to have a lil' boy. I'm so glad she gets to experience everything that I previous went through and the loving moments of becoming and being a mom. It's extremely challenging..but very rewarding. So I'm excited for them!
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