Still teething while sick..but nothing has broke through yet
Well, Zoee survived almost 7 months without becoming sick. I'm so glad that she has been healthy up to this point. Mike and I had her 6-month well visit scheduled for today and it just so happens she started getting a runny nose and started sneezing last night. So our well visit turned into a semi-sick visit, as well. We have officially changed pediatricians...which I didn't care for my pediatrician in Midland to begin with..and had a great experience today with our new one. She is a woman doctor (which I was hoping to get) and she is definitely more compassionate than my last one.
Zoee's 6-month measurements are as follows:
16 lbs. 5 oz. in weight=she's in the 50th percentile
26 inches long in height=shes' in the 75th percentile
She is still a smaller baby than most..but the doc said she is maintaining a great weight and height for her age. I asked her about the hemangioma she has on her buttox and she said it's going to get bigger than go away eventually..but it looks good for being there where it's at. She wasn't running any fever, but still had a runny nose and slight cough. It was definitely a cold. And she had to get her 6-month shots on top of all that..POOR BABY!
All in all, she did really well..I would of freaked out if I had to get 5 shots ..this was including half of the flu vaccination and then I have to take her back in a month and get the rest of it. She really doesn't fuss over her shots..she let out two big squeals..and then whimpered a little..and then she was smiling before we left the office. She's such a trooper. I think it hurts me seeing them do that to her..than it does to receive them..even though..I'm sure the shock of it is astounding to a lil' baby.
The doc said we could start her on juice..which is awesome..cause she loves I know she's going to love it. She told me all the developmental things I should be doing with her. She said she could listen to the TV, but no sitting her in front of it. I thought that was funny that she said that, but when I told that to Mom, she said maybe it's because some parents use the TV as a babysitter. I told her all what Zoee had been doing over the past few weeks and she said she's really advanced for her age and she's doing great. That gave me some peace of mind. Now, if she can just get over this cold and not get anything worse throughout this cold/flu season. Sanitation has been my middle name for the past few days.
I've been spraying and using anti-bacterial everything.
1 comment:
That bunny thing looks cool---I may need to get Kenzie one. Does Zoee do well with the normal teether rings? I can't get Kenzie to figure out how to use them!
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