Zoee was waiting for her pediatrician to come in
She weighs 19.5 lbs. and is 29 1/2 inches long at a year old.
She had to get 5 vaccinations and did really well. Only cried for a little bit.
She is walking really well for somebody who has only been walking for about 3 weeks. The doctor says she is a really determined lil' girl because she isn't suppose to be walking yet because she still has baby reflexes in her feet, which make them turn in still. She is saying many words such as Mama, Dadda, a lot of B sounds, Kitty, and Mike thinks she sounds like she speaks German in her own lil' language. She loves to hum along with songs and dance around. She is extremely curious and she is into EVERYTHING. She loves to put everything in her mouth. You can definitely tell when she is mad at you for taking something away or telling her "No"...cause she has started leaning forward and goes at you like she is trying to bite.
She especially loves getting behind the living room curtain and looking out the window and loves to take all the pictures off the bottom shelf in the living room and put them back up again in different positions. She is teething right now and got her 7th tooth in the other day and has another tooth poking through right now..so it should be coming in any day now. She is on regular milk and we are going to wean her completely off the bottle next week. I hope she transitions smoothly. She already loves to drink water and juice out of her bottle. She especially loves vegetables and fruits. She is eating a lot of table food.

She loves to crumple up the paper on the bed
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