She is starting to use the word "No" quite often and even gives dirty looks now..ha ha! She has more attitude (good and bad), more testy, but yet she can make you laugh when you scold her by the expressions that she makes. She's very clever and persuasive already and she is quite the dare devil. She loves to stand up on everything and tests her limits daily. She is wanting to help out around the house. She likes to grab the broom and sweep and plays with the vaccum a lot. She is saying a ton more words and sounds out animal sounds. We have started potty training her because I've noticed her squatting when she is about to do a No. 2. in her diaper anywhere she's at. So we have put her on the potty quite a few times and she's gone twice in the potty. It's so funny cause I have a "Pee Pee in the Potty Dance" that we do..and she gets a little special treat. She also is in Pull-ups now for the beginning process while she learns to pull up and down her pants..and then we will move on to "BIG GIRL" panties..ha ha! She loves loves loves to play in the water, whether it be in the tub or in her pool. Loves to be outdoors long as it's not too hot outside. We are going to take her to the duck pond pretty soon (pics to follow). She is still average for her age..getting a little bigger..but not much. The doctor says she is really tall though that's what makes her look so skinny. She does eat quite a bit....when she wants to eat..she really really eats. She still loves her veggies and fruits. Her favorite right now is the gummy fruit snacks. We are really enjoying these days because we are having a lot of fun.

Hanging out with Grammy at Golden Corral.
Reading with Grumps...He loves to pester her...and I guess since we have seen a lot more of them this summer she is getting really close to him and Grammy.
We were at the orthopedic place waiting to get in and she is just itching to get into something. When you see this face's a comin'!
Finally no more bottle at night. We are finally rid of bottles as of July 10th.
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