We have had a great Sunday. It's been quite lazy around here..resting up from the fesitivies of Thanksgiving. Zoee has played with Lola and we watched some TV..took a long nap..and now I'm dabbling on the computer, while Mike is finishing up his homework. He is doing really good in school and they are about to finish up the semester pretty soon. Today Zoee kept saying "EWWWWW"! Everytime she had a dirty diaper she would say it and everytime she saw something she thought was gross she said "EWWWW"! It's so hilarious how expressive and the more talking she is doing now. She has her moments where she talks a lot and then some of the day she chooses to not say nothing at all..but more often than not..she is babbling. I am so glad I'm able to understand more of it these days! I just love Sundays!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
She knows Santa
Zoee was so cute today. She was kind of acting up and I had mentioned to her that Santa doesn't bring gifts to li'l girls who act bad. She put her hands up to her face (reminded me of Maculey Culkin in Home Alone) and yelled out, "OH NO!" Then she proceeded to run over to the stuffed Santa I have on the shelf and give him a HUGE hug! It was so sweet and I'm guessing she knows who Santa is..maybe doesn't understand totally..but she's getting it down. HA HA This is a pic of our stuffed Santa..anytime I mention Santa's name she has to run over to it and pick it up and bring it over to me. TOO PRECIOUS!
Hosting Thanksgiving
This was our first year to host Thanksgiving dinner at our home on Saturday afternoon. We were excited to do this..and boy, is it tough work. Mike was a huge help and we prepared several things the night before. Here's some pics of our dinner...but I was so mad at myself for not taking any pics of my family. Holly (Jillery's best friend) wasn't far away while visiting with her hubby's family, so she decided to drive over and visit with us. We haven't seen her in a long long time. We had a great dinner and then the men watched the kiddos and a movie at home while Mom, Jillery, Holly, and I went and did some shopping.
Hotel Stay
After we got back to our hotel on Thanksgiving evening...Zoee didn't want to go to sleep. I guess she was excited about sleeping away from home. Mike would pretend he was asleep and she would go up to him and check his eyes to see if they were really shut. It was really funny. We enjoyed staying away from home for the night.
Thanksgiving Day with the Arguellos
We spent Thanksgiving Day with the Arguello Family (Mike's family)and had a really good time. We got to meet Misbah (McKintosh's girlfriend) and spent time with the whole family. Zoee and Isabelle (her cousin) really had a good time playing together. Dinner was delicious and it was a great visit. I love his family and we wish we could see them more often.
Lovin' the Chips and Salsa
We ate at a Mexican food place the other night and Zoee had her first experience with hot sauce. This hot sauce wasn't very spicy and she really loved it. She loves tortilla chips and saw us dipping our chips into the sauce..so she decided she wanted to do the same thing. She made the cutest face when she put it in her mouth.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I have been working on my 6-hour CE class for Cosmetology off and on for two days now and I'm still not finished. I hate sitting at the computer for that long. I think each section keeps getting longer and longer..but thank goodness there isn't a test at the end of it. There is always something to be "thankful for" in every situation!! We have to renew our Cosmo licenses every two years and mine is up and, of course, I've procrastinated and waited until the last minute to take the course. So I'm finishing that up tonight and tomorrow and I finishing up the last bit of laundry tomorrow and packing for our trip to Levelland to have Thanksgiving with Mike's family. We also will be attending the Thanksgiving production at our church tomorrow night (which I can't wait for) It's called the Mayflower and I'm really ready to see it. We will be staying in a hotel, which I'm kind of excited about, in Levelland, because we haven't gotten away in a while. And don't you know that a hotel makes you feel like you are getting away from it all. Well, it does for me anyway..LOL
We will spend Thanksgiving in Levelland on Thursday..come back on Friday evening and then Mike and I are hosting Thanksgiving with my family on Saturday. It should be a great week. I'm just glad that Mike has a job where he can be off for several days and rest and enjoy himself, too. We've vowed to make the holidays as painless as possible. NO STRESS!!! No Black Friday shopping for us this year...no extra money because we are living on one income right now. No fun..but it's well worth the penny pinching to be able to stay home with Zoee.
After Thanksgiving comes a whirlwind of events. I've already put together my calendar and it's going to be pretty busy. Since I've joined the MM (Midessa Mommies) group, I will be a little bit busier than usual, I'm hoping. So far on the calendar for December is: A firestation tour, Heritage X-Mas Lighting @ McKinney Park, Ethan's 1st Birthday party, we're going to be in the X-Mas parade with the MM group on a float, a visit to Dr. Cochran (Zoee's foot specialist), Bunco (Ugly Xmas Shirt Party), MM X-Mas Party @ Carino's, X-mas with both families, Tyler's Birthday, and New Year's eve...along with I'm sure some playdates in there somewhere. WHEW! WOW, didn't realize I was going to be so busy. We've been kind of sickly around here this past week. Zoee's been cutting her last teeth besides her 2-year molars (THANK GOODNESS) and Mike and I have had a cold. So hopefully we will get over that quickly and be healthy for the month of December and into the new year. I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and I pray that if you are traveling that you have safe travels. I'm ready to feed my face with Turkey, dressing and all the trimmings..along with those great desserts that are prepared each year. We thank the Lord for our many blessings (BIG & small) and lots of love to you all...
We will spend Thanksgiving in Levelland on Thursday..come back on Friday evening and then Mike and I are hosting Thanksgiving with my family on Saturday. It should be a great week. I'm just glad that Mike has a job where he can be off for several days and rest and enjoy himself, too. We've vowed to make the holidays as painless as possible. NO STRESS!!! No Black Friday shopping for us this year...no extra money because we are living on one income right now. No fun..but it's well worth the penny pinching to be able to stay home with Zoee.
After Thanksgiving comes a whirlwind of events. I've already put together my calendar and it's going to be pretty busy. Since I've joined the MM (Midessa Mommies) group, I will be a little bit busier than usual, I'm hoping. So far on the calendar for December is: A firestation tour, Heritage X-Mas Lighting @ McKinney Park, Ethan's 1st Birthday party, we're going to be in the X-Mas parade with the MM group on a float, a visit to Dr. Cochran (Zoee's foot specialist), Bunco (Ugly Xmas Shirt Party), MM X-Mas Party @ Carino's, X-mas with both families, Tyler's Birthday, and New Year's eve...along with I'm sure some playdates in there somewhere. WHEW! WOW, didn't realize I was going to be so busy. We've been kind of sickly around here this past week. Zoee's been cutting her last teeth besides her 2-year molars (THANK GOODNESS) and Mike and I have had a cold. So hopefully we will get over that quickly and be healthy for the month of December and into the new year. I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and I pray that if you are traveling that you have safe travels. I'm ready to feed my face with Turkey, dressing and all the trimmings..along with those great desserts that are prepared each year. We thank the Lord for our many blessings (BIG & small) and lots of love to you all...

Those Three Precious Words
I've really been working with Zoee on her manners and speech. Moms tell me that she's not talking now that much..but when she does start talking I won't be able to keep her quiet. I really don't care if she gabbed for hours at this point because I love hearing her speak in her low, yet graceful voice. And I just want to bottle up her giggles for a lifetime.
Each night, as I lay Zoee in her bed, I tuck her in tight and give her a hug and a kiss goodnight. As I'm walking to the door to turn off the light, I turn to her and say "I Love you, Zoee" "Sweet dreams and Jesus loves you!"
Well, this particular evening, I laid Zoee down, tucked her in tight..hugged and kissed her and as I was walking to the door to turn off the light I turned and right as I did, Zoee says, "I LOVE YOU". It wasn't perfect..but I knew what she was saying and she had a big grin on her face. I started to tear up and I went over and hugged and kissed her again and said, "Oh, I love you, too Baby!" "Sweet Dreams and Jesus loves you" I couldn't believe she said it..all by herself. How amazed and blessed I am as a mother to be able to stay home and teach her these precious li'l words and see her actually use them in a way that will bring tears to your eyes. I am so proud of her and LOVE her so much! God has gave us so many blessings. A wonderful marriage, a beautiful, healthy sweet li'l girl, and families that love us. When you tuck your loved one in tonight..remember to tell them that Jesus loves them, because without HIM, none of these blessings would be possible!
Each night, as I lay Zoee in her bed, I tuck her in tight and give her a hug and a kiss goodnight. As I'm walking to the door to turn off the light, I turn to her and say "I Love you, Zoee" "Sweet dreams and Jesus loves you!"
Well, this particular evening, I laid Zoee down, tucked her in tight..hugged and kissed her and as I was walking to the door to turn off the light I turned and right as I did, Zoee says, "I LOVE YOU". It wasn't perfect..but I knew what she was saying and she had a big grin on her face. I started to tear up and I went over and hugged and kissed her again and said, "Oh, I love you, too Baby!" "Sweet Dreams and Jesus loves you" I couldn't believe she said it..all by herself. How amazed and blessed I am as a mother to be able to stay home and teach her these precious li'l words and see her actually use them in a way that will bring tears to your eyes. I am so proud of her and LOVE her so much! God has gave us so many blessings. A wonderful marriage, a beautiful, healthy sweet li'l girl, and families that love us. When you tuck your loved one in tonight..remember to tell them that Jesus loves them, because without HIM, none of these blessings would be possible!

Monday, November 22, 2010
Cute Lil' Finds
While at Target today searching for Ethan the perfect 1st birthday gift, we found a few more finds. I found these cute li'l pajama sets for Zoee, as well as, an Olivia video. Zoee adores Olivia, but our cable provider doesn't offer Nick Jr. (the station she comes on) so she rarely gets to see her anymore. It was a toss up between this one and a Minnie Mouse DVD. I put both of them up and said, "Zoee you have a choice out of either of these videos. Which one would you like?" Of course, she picked Olivia. Oh, and we also got to see Toy Story 3 finally. It's so cute. If you have seen it, they have a baby doll on there called "Big Baby". Zoee also has a doll that looks like "Big Baby" but she's not tattered like the one in the movie. Well, she kept saying "Big BABY" over and over while holding her. It was so cute. When we were also getting dressed to go and see Santa. I asked Zoee, "Are you ready to see Santa this year?" She didn't reply..but instead ran into the living room and grabbed the stuffed Santa off the shelf and ran it back in and handed it to me. She's so smart! I say, "What does Santa say, Zoee?" And she spouts out: "HO, HO, HO!" Gotta love that child!
Thanksgiving Shirt
I have been quite artsy fartsy lately (especially with the Holidays here). I wanted to make Zoee a turkey shirt to wear for Thanksgiving..so I did. Mom helped me the border of the applique..but other than that..I did all by myself. It turned out pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. Definitely looks like an amateur did it, though if you look closely. I'm also making her some li'l bows to make. She's going to be adorable and we can't wait for Turkey Day!
Christmas Pictures
We went and took a few snapshots with our camera today to try to put some together for our Christmas cards this year. Zoee doesn't do good with looking at the camera...so we have decided that this year's pictures we would just take instead of getting a professional take them for us. Some of them turned out pretty cute..and our Christmas cards are a compilation of last year's Christmas and this year (since I forgot to send my cards out in time last year).
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It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Today we went to Miss Cayce's Christmas Store Open House. Santa was there and they served cookies and chocolate milk. It was fun! Zoee wasn't too excited about seeing Santa. I think because she doesn't feel too great. Mike and I have a cold and I'm pretty sure she is coming down with it, too.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
These Boots Were Made for Walking 2
We received Zoee's 1st pair of cowgirl boots in the mail today and they are so cute. She really loves them. Kept putting them on and taking them off and then putting them on again. She can just step into them they are so easy. She is going to be wearing them to Ethan's 1st Birthday party along with the li'l top I made for her out of bandanas..it's going to be so cute!

First Mommies Meeting
We met with the other Mommies and their kiddos from our Mommies group this day. Zoee had a blast, other than me not letting her play outside because it was so yucky out (windy and dirt). She already had a runny nose and I didn't want to make it worse..but I felt bad cause she was watching most all the other kiddos were outside playing and every time the door would open, she'd try to escape without me seeing and dart out and climb up on the slide. I guess she thought I couldn't reach her there. HA HA! I met several women and they were all really nice. We met because we are putting together a float for the Midland Xmas Parade. It's going to be Rocking Around the Xmas Tree themed and Zoee and I area excited already. Well, I am at least..she doesn't really understand it all...yet!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Miss "Z" loves her Some Country Music, Ya'll!
Here's the video from the other day that I promised I'd post. She loves her some country music. We were watching the CMA's and she was dancing, moving and grooving around the living room. Man, she has way too much energy! I wish I had half of what she has. She's fun! (Not the best quality because it was taken with my digital camera and not my video camera.) I love me some country music, too! Guess that's where she gets it from. The CMA's this year were really good. I really like that Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood host and their li'l skits are really funny.
Those Boots were Made for Walking
One Smart Cookie
Last week we went over and tried learning our body parts. She didn't seem too interested last week..but yesterday I asked her, "Miss Z, where is your nose?" And her finger instantly went into her nose. I was so shocked because I didn't think she was really paying attention last week. Apparently she has me fooled..LOL I proceeded to say, "Miss Z, where is your eyes?" And she pointed to them. And she also did her ears, hair, arm, and feet. And then I said, "Miss Z, where are your teeth?" And she made the cutest li'l face and kept chomping up and down. So far she knows quite a few and we continue to work on them daily. She amazes me how much she is learning from me and others around her. I'm so glad I get to stay at home with her and teach her things. She is proving to me that she is one smart cookie!

My 1st Sewing Craft Project As A Mom
I felt quite crafty this evening. Ever since Jillery told me she is doing a Cowboy theme for Ethan's 1st Birthday party coming up, I decided I would try and make a toddler dress out of bandanas. I finally got my sewing machine out, which I've probably used only a few times since I've had it, and decided to go to work. Not sure of what I was doing..I mostly winged it. It turned out really cute and I can't wait for her to wear it. I even made her matching hair bows for her pigtails. I will post pictures of the party coming up the first part of December. It's going to be a cute birthday party (Jillery has already shared a few of her ideas with me) and we can't wait to have some fun!
Here is a li'l slideshow of my bandana dress project. It's my first since I've been a mommy and I can't believe I haven't done anything sooner besides make bows.
Here is a li'l slideshow of my bandana dress project. It's my first since I've been a mommy and I can't believe I haven't done anything sooner besides make bows.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
My nephew, Ethan
My nephew, Ethan, is going to be turning 1 on December 4th. Jillery and Tyler are throwing him a 1st birthday party and he's going to be having a cowboy theme. It's going to be cute. Here are some of my favorite pics of him throughout the year. He's so fun!

I really wanted to go to my Midessa Mommies group Thanksgiving party that I made cookies for...but it didn't end up happening. Such is life!
Zoee acted really great all day. PaPaw said he was beginning to wonder if she had been swapped out for another child..HA HA! Here lately it's been touch and go with her because of her teeth. She was cutting those horrible ones and would fit. But this last week was really great and as normal as it could be.

Isn't she cute??

Hardly get one these days when she is actually looking at the camera.

Twirling around
We went and ate this new restaurant in Midland.

Friday, November 12, 2010
A Day with Mommy
We had a good day on Friday other than me being a li'l worried about Zoee's eyelid. The night before she had been barreling down the hallway pushing her potty chair down and I guess the potty got stuck on one of the grout grooves and stayed and she went forward and hit her eye on the potty chair. Not sure exactly how she managed it..but you know kids. So she was fine that night..I kept monitoring her. It didn't seem to phase her..she didn't even cry..but I was worried about it. The next morning I got her up I was accessing the damage and I saw that a few blood vessels right above her eye on her eyelid looked like that had busted into somewhat of a bruise. She was still feeling fine but I opted to call Dr. Ranga anyway. They were out of the office for the day so she didn't get back to me for a while...but I told her what had happened and she said as long as it's not bubbling up and she's not throwing up that she should be fine..just keep an eye on her and if anything happens go to the E.R. Well, nothing happened..it just looks really bad. I often wonder what people think when you go out to places and your child has bruises or bumps on them. Zoee is pretty clumsy as it is (I think because of her feet/leg situation). She's always falling or bumping into things and getting banged up. But I've heard a lot of kiddos are just as clumsy that don't have problems. It seems like, too, when you have somewhere to go or pictures to take..that's when the occurances are more profound..LOL
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
She's so Daring
Tonight we watched the CMA Music Awards while waiting for Dadda to get home from school. Zoee was loving the music. She laid beside me at the beginning of the show and when Lady Antebellum was announced as a contender for one of the categories they played a snippet of one of their songs and Zoee started tapping her foot to the beat of the music and right on beat may I add. I think she may have some music inclination in there somewhere from her Mama..LOL She loves to dance..so when an upbeat song came on she got up and started prancing around and dancing. I took a li'l video that I will post soon..it's funny. She loves the Christmas tree and loves even more to take the ornaments off of it. She also likes to climb on EVERYTHING. This includes her play table which she now gets up on and jumps off into my arms. She is quite the dare devil. She is such a character and smart as a whip. New word for the day: READY..like as in "Are you ready??" It's funny to hear her say it right before she takes the plunge.

Midessa Mommies
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