Each night, as I lay Zoee in her bed, I tuck her in tight and give her a hug and a kiss goodnight. As I'm walking to the door to turn off the light, I turn to her and say "I Love you, Zoee" "Sweet dreams and Jesus loves you!"
Well, this particular evening, I laid Zoee down, tucked her in tight..hugged and kissed her and as I was walking to the door to turn off the light I turned and right as I did, Zoee says, "I LOVE YOU". It wasn't perfect..but I knew what she was saying and she had a big grin on her face. I started to tear up and I went over and hugged and kissed her again and said, "Oh, I love you, too Baby!" "Sweet Dreams and Jesus loves you" I couldn't believe she said it..all by herself. How amazed and blessed I am as a mother to be able to stay home and teach her these precious li'l words and see her actually use them in a way that will bring tears to your eyes. I am so proud of her and LOVE her so much! God has gave us so many blessings. A wonderful marriage, a beautiful, healthy sweet li'l girl, and families that love us. When you tuck your loved one in tonight..remember to tell them that Jesus loves them, because without HIM, none of these blessings would be possible!

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