Zoee is 29 Months old! WOW!!!
It's amazing how fast it is going. She has been so loving and affectionate to her Mommy & Daddy this month. Mike and I are having bad baby fever. We want another baby just like Zoee. We want Zoee to have someone to grow up with. I couldn't imagine not growing up with my sister...so we pray for that for her. We are officially trying now. So that is exciting.
Zoee is 35 lbs. and is 38 1/4 inches tall. She is extremely tall for her age and has always been in the 99% for her age group. She is talking a lot and repeats a lot of everything we say. She understands and we do have our good and bad days with her. Some days she doesn't want to mind and listen...just like a toddler. We've enjoyed our summer...but have hardly gotten to be outside much these days cause it is sooo hot. We are all ready for Fall to be here and the holidays. I've already been looking at Fall clothing for Zoee..cause she is going to need a whole new wardrobe. Nothing fits much anymore..she is growing so fast. And we are also thinking about Christmas presents already..getting ready to start buying those and getting them out of the way. I am so thankful that we have my Mom and Dad here every week to be apart of Zoee's life. I wish we could say that for Mike's family. I have prayed and prayed that they would want to be a part of her life...but they show no interest. Zoee doesn't know them..and it's sad really cause they are missing out on so much because Zoee adds such joy to our lives and is so lively, fun, loving, and hilarious! I just keep thinking about what I'm going to say to her the older she gets when she starts questioning why they don't want to know her. But on a positive note--I'm glad that Zoee is growing up healthy and is a bouncing happy toddler!
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