Zoee is

Months Old
My goodness she is growing up too fast. Next month she will be three and it brings a tear to my eye planning for it. She is going to have a "Cute As A Bug" Birthday Party. I asked her what she wanted as a theme this year and that's what she picked..so we are going with it. It will be super adorable..just like her and lots of fun. This month has flown by and with all the doctor visits and medical hoopla I've been going through, we haven't done a whole lot of fun things. We are just now starting it back up again. She's made a new friend named Dominic. She doesn't really have any "boy" friends her age..so she has a lot of fun with him. We've been on a few play dates and I try to get her out and about to burn off her playful energy as much as I can. Next weekend we are going to see Sebrena....so she is excited about seeing her Sissy.
Her favorite word this month seems to be "NO". It is driving me crazy...cause I correct her and she'll just say it over and over until she either gets a spankin', time out, or things are now being taken away from her. She is understanding the concept more and more because she will quickly apologize. I don't know if it's because I left her for a day and half but she has been more clingy this week and more lovable. She is usually very independent and wants to do things on her own, but this week she has wanted my help more and is usually right under me. I love it though..no complaints here. I love that she says, "I love you, Mommy!" And it melts my heart when she crawls up in my lap and wants to snuggle, hug, or kiss me. She is still quick the character. She cracks Mike and I up on a regular basis with things she says and does. She's a lil' ham! She is more into watching movies and Nick Jr. these days than reading..but Daddy still reads about three books to her every evening after her bath. We are trying to settle into more of a routine now that she is getting older. Some days it works well--others it doesn't. She loves playing with her new dollhouse and Barbies.
She loves playing with her babydolls and carries them around and talks to them.
She absolutely loves loves loves her Grammy & PaPaw. Here she is coming back from getting popcorn while I was at the hospital getting my MRA done. She loves POPCORN, too. Her favorite lunch time sandwich is PB&J. She likes to get on her stool and help me make her sandwich. I will cut her sandwich into different shapes or slice it in different ways..she loves it. She is still real attached to milkie (as she calls it). It has always been her comfort and even though we have cut way back on giving her as much...she still prefers it over anything else. She's still doing really well in her big girl twin size bed. She loves being helpful (when not asked to) HA! Her feet haven't seemed to change any in almost a year...so I'm praying they will start to straighten up. We will be gearing up for her birthday soon and have a busy end of Winter...beginning of Spring coming up!
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