Zoee loves to chew on EVERYTHING..but shoes are her speciality!

She's sporting her lil' Tommy Hilfiger jacket..isn't it adorable??
It's almost like she's got the knawing down to an art.

She even carries them around in her mouth
She looks like a puppy when she does this.

She loves to ride around on her lil' car

And plays with all the bells and whistles on it.

She can even push it.

She's going for a stroll.

And even braves taking several steps on her own.

But then decides to hold on...lol

Isn't she the cutest lil' DROOL bug or what???
We went to see our pediatrician today for Zoee's well-visit. It was suppose to be her 9-month check, but the doc had to go on vacation when our visit was scheduled at the beginning of the month and so we didn't get to see her until today. Grammy went with us and Zoee had to get a TB test done (which everything looks good so far) and I decided to get her the H1N1 vaccination. She said they were going to be giving it early in the season next year, which is great! After I (as the first time mother) asked the doc a bizillion questions (seriously..I had a whole list written down), Zoee took her two shots like a champ. She always initially freaks out when the nurse holds her down..but then as soon as the shot is given she doesn't even cry. She lets out a big scream and then it's over. She's fine after that. She's such a trooper.
Her stats were as follows: 10 months old
Weight: 18.1 lbs. (She's still a lightweight, but is in the 50th percentile)
Height: 28 1/2 inches long (She's 75th percentile)
Dr. R. said that the reason she probably looks so little is because she's pretty tall for her age and she's spread out lengthwise instead of being chubby.
Dr. R. also said we could start brushing her teeth and I told her that Zoee doesn't take well to regular sippy cups...she said with as many teeth as she has..she will probably do better with a sippy cup with a straw. We have one, so I'm going to see how she does with it tomorrow.
I told the doc that when I feed Zoee table foods and sometimes even her snackies, that she has a bad gag reflex and often chokes. So she gave me some pointers to help work with Zoee and get her used to eating table foods. Sometimes this scares me to death....especially when we are out in public....I don't like people to stare..cause you know what they are all thinking. LOL I feel like I have hindered Zoee in some ways because of this choking fear that I have...I haven't fed her enough food to get used to it...but Dr. R. said just take it slow and she will eventually learn. Every kid is different. So we're going to be venturing out more, cause this momma doesn't want to hold her daughter back in any way!
Also, tonight Zoee has said the words "Kitty Kitty" and "Bye Bye"
Mike watched her tonight while Grammy and I went over to Hobby Lobby. He fed her dinner and he said she saw the letter "A" and repeated it back to him while slamming her hands down on the highchair tray over and over. Surely she's not reading yet?? HA HA! I think it was just a fluke..something she heard. I mean I work on her ABC's with her all the time, read to her, and she watched Sesame Street. I can't remember if the letter "A" was on there anytime this week or not. I know they had the letter "Z" on there, which was neat...cause I got to practice Z-O-E-E with her repeatedly. But I don't know where she picked up on the letter "A" unless it's because I sing the alphabet song to her and we play with her alphabet pal a lot.
Zoee loves to wave goodbye..she can blow kisses (only when she chooses to) and for the first time this week she is holding up her own bottle. Yes folks, she has FINALLY mastered it. She has known how to for a LONG time..but hasn't chosen to do so until this week. Mom and I were talking tonight about how crazy it is that one day she isn't doing or saying something and then the next day she decides to. I still cannot believe she is almost about to be 11 months old. I've already started on the plans for her 1st birthday party. It's going to be so cute and really fun for her and the guests. Once I figure out to post videos on here I will upload a few.
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