Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 9 & 10 of Bojangles

Mr. Bojangles didn't show up this morning because Zoee got into trouble at school and he decided to stay at the North Pole.  She's been overly excited this week for our vacation, I guess, so she's been acting out. This is the first time she's had to lay in the hallway during nap time.  Apparently she couldn't keep her hands to herself. Her and a little boy were teasing and messing around.  Zoee was sad he didn't show up.  But I think she learned because the next day she was really good and Bojangles came bearing a gift.  I forgot to take a picture of it but it was a shopping play set that included a purse, credit cards, money, wallet , notepad, car keys, and sunglasses. It's really cute!

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