Friday, March 20, 2009

Loving every minute of the First Month

Snoozing away...

Zoee's first official bath...she loves bathtime.

Just beautiful

This is probably one of the only pics I have of Zoee with a pacifier..she just doesn't like them..she used it for about a week when she first came home..and that was it.

So precious...

Zoee has been in this world a month and already she has grown so much and is changing every day. I love her so much and never truly understood what motherhood meant or what unconditional love was until I had Zoee. She's just sleeps a lot right now..but I know in the next few months, she is going to be a ball of fun. We're trying to create's trying at times..but we'll get there. She had her first appointment with her pediatrician. It was not a fun experience. I was especially irked at the nurse that we had that day...she came in..took her temperature rectally (fun) and I asked her: "Do they usually poop after you pull that thing out?" She said, "Sometimes". So as I was grabbing her diaper bag..quickly as I could, she pulled the thermometer out..and it was EXPLOSION!! The thing that irked me was then the nurse made the comment: "Okay honey..I'll give you back to your mom now" UGH!! I was so frustrated...she didn't even let me get my wipees out and ready before the explosion happened and now she expected me to clean up the mess. I guess it's all part of being a mom..but she could of helped me at least. Needless to say..I was mad because we were at the doctor's office for almost 3 hours and it was freezing in there. I need to find a new pediatrician but there are no pediatricians accepting new patients here in town. FUDGE!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Lucky Lil' Leprechaun

It's Zoee's first St. Patty's Day and we had to be festive! Reconnecting to my Irish roots!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Giving Zoee a sponge bath..before her umbilical cord fell off..she was trying to impersonate John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever..ha ha
Learning to grip fingers...too cute

Mommy bonding

Love this!

Her first really bad temper, it was a doozie..Mom and I were trying to dress her up for pictures and she was just not having it.

Well, the first weeks home with Zoee have been wonderful. Mom came and stayed with us the first week while Mike worked and then Mike took the second week off to be with us. It was hard for me to get around and up and off my extremely high bed..but I did it. I cried the first night..because I was exhausted. I just knew that I wouldn't hear Zoee and something would happen to her and I couldn't get to her fast enough. I guess that's the baby blues setting in. And man, did I get the baby blues. I didn't quite understand what mom's would talk about when they mentioned the baby blues..but I do now. All those hormones ..raging and you can't help but to bawl and bawl over the stupidest things. It took a while for it to go away for me..but I'm back to my normal self again.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

After all that anticipation..She's finally HERE!

The first time I got to hold her sitting up in a chair... She was so tiny... I couldn't believe I was a mom.

This is when they brought Zoee in for me for the first time...the nurse handed her to me and then said: "We need to go over some things" I cannot tell you what she said about that..I was in awe of lil' Zoee.

The first official picture of Zoee in this big bright world. My pediatrician let me glance at her and then swept her away. I was so overcome with emotion...

Zoee Ambrielle was born on 3-6-9...after a grueling almost 55 hours of labor. I went in on Wednesday afternoon and didn't have her until Friday @ 1:34 in the afternoon. Man, was I exhausted..but WELL WELL worth it! She is so amazing..and Mike and I cannot wait to see her grow up.
My recovery went really well, even though I was in the hospital for almost a week having Zoee. It took me about 3 weeks to finally get around really good..but the C-section experience was really good for me. My epidural kicked in and it was gravy after that. Note to new moms to be: If you have to have a not..I not drink anything after the surgery that has ice in it. My nurses failed to tell me about this until I did drink a ton of water (because I was so thirsty) afterwards. It causes gas..and you do NOT want gas right after those muscles have been cut down there...NOT FUN! LOL

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby on the Way

We've had our last sonogram..which everything looked great. We've had many many doctor's appointments. I'm actually now 36 weeks..and we only have about 2 weeks left until Zoee will be here..unless I have to be induced earlier. We are soo excited and so ready.
We had our Baby Shower on February 7, 2009..and also Mike was thrown a Daddy Baby Shower during the Super Bowl. It's been a great month except for the high blood pressure I've been having. I have to go for testing every week up in the labor/delivery at the hospital. They put me on monitors and just make sure everything is going okay. They told me if I go into labor on my own, now that I'm past the 35 week mark, then they won't try and stop it..just let it come naturally.
We finally finished Zoee's Nursery..check out the pictures

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Maternity Pictures

Courtney took great maternity pictures of us..even though it was a week before I was due and I didn't feel so hot and was so so so ginormous. She had me literally scaling walls...LOL I'm sure the people that were working downtown that day were laughing their butts off watching me try to climb up things and get up and off the ground.