Zoee's first official bath...she loves bathtime.

Just beautiful

This is probably one of the only pics I have of Zoee with a pacifier..she just doesn't like them..she used it for about a week when she first came home..and that was it.
So precious...
Zoee has been in this world a month and already she has grown so much and is changing every day. I love her so much and never truly understood what motherhood meant or what unconditional love was until I had Zoee. She's just sleeps a lot right now..but I know in the next few months, she is going to be a ball of fun. We're trying to create routine..it's trying at times..but we'll get there. She had her first appointment with her pediatrician. It was not a fun experience. I was especially irked at the nurse that we had that day...she came in..took her temperature rectally (fun) and I asked her: "Do they usually poop after you pull that thing out?" She said, "Sometimes". So as I was grabbing her diaper bag..quickly as I could, she pulled the thermometer out..and it was EXPLOSION!! The thing that irked me was then the nurse made the comment: "Okay honey..I'll give you back to your mom now" UGH!! I was so frustrated...she didn't even let me get my wipees out and ready before the explosion happened and now she expected me to clean up the mess. I guess it's all part of being a mom..but she could of helped me at least. Needless to say..I was mad because we were at the doctor's office for almost 3 hours and it was freezing in there. I need to find a new pediatrician but there are no pediatricians accepting new patients here in town. FUDGE!
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