The first official picture of Zoee in this big bright world. My pediatrician let me glance at her and then swept her away. I was so overcome with emotion...
Zoee Ambrielle was born on 3-6-9...after a grueling almost 55 hours of labor. I went in on Wednesday afternoon and didn't have her until Friday @ 1:34 in the afternoon. Man, was I exhausted..but WELL WELL worth it! She is so amazing..and Mike and I cannot wait to see her grow up.
My recovery went really well, even though I was in the hospital for almost a week having Zoee. It took me about 3 weeks to finally get around really good..but the C-section experience was really good for me. My epidural kicked in and it was gravy after that. Note to new moms to be: If you have to have a C-Section..do not..I REPEAT..do not drink anything after the surgery that has ice in it. My nurses failed to tell me about this until I did drink a ton of water (because I was so thirsty) afterwards. It causes gas..and you do NOT want gas right after those muscles have been cut down there...NOT FUN! LOL
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