Zoee is going to be 14 months old on May 6th..in a few days. She is getting so big! She is the cutest lil' thing ever. People are starting to tell me that she is looking more and more like me now. She was looking more like Mike. Zoee cracks Mike and I up every day. I miss her so much now that I've gone back to work...but glad that I have "ME" or "WORK" time..because it makes me enjoy our moments we do have together a lot more. Spring is in the air and we've been playing outside a lot more. Zoee plays hard at the babysitter's house and her and lil' Ethan (the boy she stays at the babysitter's house with) are doing great together. They have warmed up to each other..and he actually tries to come up and hold her hand..but she wants nothing to do with it. LOL I'm glad that Zoee is getting this time together with other kids at the babysitter's house, church, and at friend's houses to learn to share since she is the only little one we have. She's learning so many things. Her new words this week is "OH, BAH!" She is actually trying to say "Oh, Boy!" but it comes out as, "OH, BAH!" right now...it's really adorable because she makes this face when she says it. Last week it was "NO". I guess because she is used to us telling her NO so much..she started repeating it. It's usually something different every week. She loves to turn the TV off and on at our house..and turns around when she does turn it off and just looks at us like...YEA, I TURNED IT OFF..NOW WHAT?? HA HA. I tell her to turn it back on ..and she says "NO" then goes back over and turns it on a little bit later and goes about her business. She's been talking into the remote control like you would the telephone..so she understands a little of the concept of the phone..just wrong instrument..HA HA She loves loves loves music and dances around all the time. In fact, Mollie (the babysitter) asked me the other day if she dances a lot at home. She had rented Happy Feet for the kiddos and as they were watching it..Zoee danced the whole time. She loves to move and groove. She is in awe of Baby Einstein...I don't care what they say about it slowing their development over time..she loves it and seems to be learning new things from it. She actually has a "BIG" appetite and has ate a lot this week. I guess she is making up for last week..she didn't eat very much because she was teething. She is still getting into anything and everything..loves to talk to Posh our kitty. Loves her baby dolls..carries them around and loves on them. Zoee's kisses that she gives are more like French kisses..she loves to use her tongue..HA HA She loves going to church and they actually do little bible lessons every week. This week was about Joseph and she colored a little picture for us and then they read bible stories and learn each week about one of God's animals..this week was a Goldfish. I'm really impressed with our new church and have the greatest time. Mike and I have been learning so much for the message from Pastor Don...and I haven't felt this good in a long time, spiritually. It's actually a non-denominational church...it's similar to the way I was raised..just more modern..but totally different for Mike. I'm glad he's liking it, too. I love love love our music worship and hoping to be up on stage soon singing alongside the ladies and men. If you would like to join us on a Sunday morning please visit the church website: http://www.ocfc.org/index.cfm
Getting ready to leave for their birthday party. Zoee actually let me put a ponytail in her hair with a bow...too cute!
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