Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

This is actually my 2nd Mother's Day...Zoee was only 2 months old last year and now she's 14 months old. So crazy how time just flies right on by...guess it's like the ol' saying goes, "Time flies when you are having fun!" We went this year to Klondike on Mother's Day to see my nephew, Ethan, get dedicated to the church. Spent a lovely time over at Jillery's after church and Tyler took some snapshots of Zoee and I playing around in the yard.

She's practically running now...and I love playing chase with her. She's so funny and giggles the whole time.

Spending time with Mommy

Just love her precious face.

Look at her curls...Her hair is getting longer and I'm so excited..hopefully soon I'll be able to do something with it. Her face has changed so much in the past few months.

She's playing with her cousin, Ethan

So cute!

Their first fight over a toy...I foresee a lot of this happening in our near future...LOL

She's telling him what it is he is looking at. They are going to learn so much from each other.

Her action shot...ha ha

She's roaming around

Wonders what is on the ground

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