We had a great Sunday this past weekend. We went to church and listened to Pastor Don and Paulette (his wife) preach their last sermon of our series on marriage. We really love our church and enjoy going. Jillery, Tyler, and Ethan met us there...and they came on a really great Sunday. Ethan did really great in the church nursery and when I went to pick up Zoee after church from her 1-year-old class..they had to fish her out from under the playset in the room they stay in. She was trying to crawl underneath the little swingset..it was quite funny. After church we went back to our house and I cooked a late lunch for us. I told Dad I would cook for him for his Father's Day, since he was just out of the hospital the day after Father's Day and we didn't get to celebrate. Plus, Jillery's birthday was this week and I was cooking for her, too. The kiddos played for a while and then we set off to do family portraits..which was a long process..but fun. (I will post the portrait pics soon) We ended our evening with dinner at my Dad's favorite (Golden Corral). Temptation was hard at Golden Corral..but I did it. Only had half of one of their buttery, scrumptious rolls and a bite of brownie. The rest of what I ate was on my meal plan. (The next post will talk about that) All in all..it was a long but very pleasant Sunday spent with great family. I wish we would all get together more often. Maybe we can do that...now that Mom and Jillery are out of the summer.

Having fun with Ethan...Aren't his rolls adorable?

Ethan and Grammy hanging out

Zoee was watching Happy Feet, while Ethan and Grammy giggle
Our brown-eyed beauty...I see Mike holding a shotgun in Zoee's dating future..ha ha!
She's such a character...she definitely gets her charm from her Daddy.

A very hard-working Daddy..We love you! I love to be able to look over while Zoee is playing in front of us and see Mike grin from ear to ear. It warms my heart to see that he gets just as much enjoyment out of watching Zoee grow up..as I do. We are so proud of her.
How cute..they are matching!

Zoee is growing up way too fast..Look how grown she looks just resting on the couch

And then roams around and gets into things she is not suppose to. She is big into having to touch everything right now. If she can at least touch it once..she's fine.

She looks a lot like me when I was her age with her Daddy's eyes

She wanted to know what Mike was about to snack on

And then realized it was Cheerios and snagged a bite. I have been teaching her not to be greedy and just take a few at a time..not the whole bowl...but as you can see she has grabbed a whole handful.

This is Zoee's "special shoe". You can't even tell that it's special really from this angle. It has a wedge on the bottom side of the inside of her soles and an arch on the inside. I hope it works quickly..cause her poor lil' feet turn in so bad. But on the bright side: I did pick out a cute tennis shoe that she loves to wear.