15 months old

She needs a lil' milk while checking her emails on her laptop..LOL

Grammy gave her a new purse that holds her new puppy. She loves it!

Mike is telling her that he wanted a sip and that she didn't need to drink from a bottle anymore that she is a big girl now.

Our living room looks like a daycare..ha ha!

She loves to flip her chair over..stand on it and picks it back up again.

Mike was telling her not to mess with something on the table..and she was pretending not to listen...LOL
It's going by faster and faster..but Zoee is 15 months old today. She is one amazing lil' girl. She is exceeding on milestones for her age, talking a lot now, and running around and getting into things like crazy. This month she has said a lot more words, too many to name here. She loves to mock anybody in the room. Her favorite thing to do (as far as mocking is concerned) is anytime she hears a telephone or sees someone talking on the phone..she puts whatever she has in her hand and if nothing..puts her own hand up to ear and says, "Hello" and proceeds to carry on a conversation. It's too funny! She is starting to sit on her potty now (beginning the potty training journey). She doesn't quite understand it all yet...but she likes to sit on it...pretend she's doing her business and then stands up and flushes it. She loves taking a bath still and is going to bed between 9-10 pm and gets up around 8:30 am. She still takes 2 naps a day..usually one late morning and one in the afternoon. She loves playing with her toys. She has been getting up on her Bounce and Spin Zebra. She has a stroller for her babies, which she tries to crawl up into...ha ha. She loves her new table and chairs..and loves books, puzzles, and anything electronic. Mike took one of old cell phones that she likes to carry around.
She has grown a huge appetite this month. She eats really well. Still loves most all vegetables and fruits. She loves pasta and fries and of course her lil' Gerber snackies. She is learning to eat with a spoon/fork. So funny to watch her pick up corn and peas with her spoon. She's really really good at it for just beginning. She loves to drink juice and water out of her sippy cup but refuses to drink her milk out of it. This is all about to change because I'm about to do away with the bottle. I wanted to get rid of it at a year...but it never happened. So I think 15 months is a great time to do it. I think she will do great once she realizes they are gone for good. She still loves going to her babysitter's house and plays with her playmate Ethan there all day long. I think they are teaching each other. She loves her church friends (once she gets in the door). She had been throwing a fit sometimes when I leave her...but it's usually when she is teething..speaking of. She is cutting both the rest of her front teeth AND her gums where her molars are coming in are really swollen..poor baby! I will be so happy when they finally all come in and she is not in pain anymore. Zoee is excellent in the stores (grocery, Walmart, department, etc.) unless she is sleepy or hot. But for the most, she acts so good..she waves and smiles at people and is very friendly. She still loves to play outside and on her swingset. We are going to get her a lil' pool today so her and I can get in and splash around. She's going to love it..I know it. I promise to take more pics and post them soon. I've been kind of slacking. It's just so hard to snap a good pic because she's been so busy and active. But I love her so much and when she cries for me or wants me to pick her up..especially now that I don't see her as much as I used to because I'm working...it makes me feel so good inside that I have this lil' precious girl who knows "I" am her mommy and that loving her unconditionally comes so naturally to me is just the most awesome feeling in the world. I had hesitations once long before I had her that I would be a great mom..and now I know I'm a great mom because I see how happy she is and I see how loving and protective Mike is to her and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Each day gets more and more exciting...watching her grow and learn. It amazes me how young minds are like a huge sponge..absorbing everything around them. I thank God every day that Mike and I have been so blessed with such a sweet beautiful healthy girl along with great family and friends.
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