At her 15-month doctor's appointment. Dr. Ranga said she's extremely tall for age. Measuring in the 98th percentile..and her weight has gone up..which is good to 45th percentile. She weighs 22.5 lbs. and is 32 1/4 inches tall. Tall and slender.
She wasn't able to get her shots today because she was running a low-grade fever and had a runny nose. I think it's because of her teeth trying to come through, but the doctor said to wait and make sure it was that for sure and not her getting sick. The 9th tooth has broken through a little bit to where I can see it..but the rest of her gums are extremely swollen. I hope they come through all at once so she can get it over with and doesn't have to be in pain anymore. So we'll have to go back for her shots. NO FUN! The doctor said she can start drinking 2 % milk now instead of whole.

Zoee was pushing her stroller around in the doctor's office.

This picture kind of makes me sad..because when I look at it..I don't see a little baby, which I know she's not anymore..but I see a "BIG GIRL". I want her to stay little. I love when she reaches out for me and says: "Momma". She'll give me a big hug and kiss.
The doctor said she's really healthy besides the cold business going on and the whole leg/hip problem. We have been so blessed and fortunate to have her in our life. I love her so much!
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