Man, I've been one busy li'l bee this month. So far I've attended a doctor's appointment, eye appointment, a playdate at the park the first week, two Bunco parties, Chick-fil-A playdate, and Zoee has an doctor's appt in the morning and I have to go to the eye doctor tomorrow afternoon for this week. Grammy and PawPaw are visiting tomorrow afternoon so that should be fun. And there is another BeautiControl PJ Spa Party on Saturday that I was invited to, also. I love being a part of my new Mommy group because I've met so many new friends and actually have a social life now..and one that includes my precious li'l daughter. Next week is going to be just as busy because we have a Mall playdate, Jumping Party playdate, and then my Mommy's group is getting together for Mommies Night Out and I'll be playing Bunco again. I have been having a blast and loving it even though I'm more tired than usual.
Today was such a great day though! Zoee was great at her playdate, in the car, at HEB, and then I had Bunco (which was a lot of fun) and then came home with and surprised her with her new toddler bed. Cleaned up her room, organized a little, and she went right to bed. She walks around everywhere and says, "HAPPY" "HAPPY" "HAPPY" and I love it. She also has to carry all the stuffed animals she can find to each and every room when we change rooms. Tonight she burped out loud and then said, "SCUSE ME". I had to pat myself on the back for that one..cause I've been teaching her manners and she's actually catching on. Now, if we can get the potty training over with..we'll be good to go. But it did make me a little sad setting up the toddler bed..cause my baby is no longer a baby anymore. It's time to start trying for #2...what do you think??? HA HA!
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