The weather in my neck of the woods: 62 degrees. Kind of chilly but the sun is out.
Things that make me happy: Zoee and the fact that Mike had a lot of time off to spend with us over the holidays.
Book I'm reading: Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center
I've joined a "Mommy is in Time Out" Book Club on Facebook and I love it so far. We just started and I look forward to discussions.
What's on my TV today: The New/Old Bachelor starts tonight.
On the menu for dinner: Not sure yet..probably leftovers
On my To Do List: Take down Christmas decorations..still haven't done it. LOL
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: Some new recipes from my mom's new Weight Watcher's cookbook.
Looking forward to this week: Getting better..had to go to the doctor today because I have a sinus infection. New Mommy Social at Starbucks on Saturday.
Lesson learned the past few days: To take a breather when dealing with family drama.
On my mind: Zoee's li'l feet and legs and my friend, Stacey. She lost her Aunt this morning and she was really close to her. I pray for her family in this time of need.
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