Okay...This is now January 4th and the first day I have been able to actually type everything--this is how bad I have felt for the past few days. I literally had to have Katlyn come and get Zoee yesterday and get Zoee and take her overnight for me and all day today because I was too weak to take care of Zoee and Mike had to work. That was the biggest blessing EVER..she will never realize! Not sure exactly what those steriods are suppose to do to your body..but I am praying to God they are working together with the other medication I'm taking to do what they are suppose to...cause the side effects from the steriods is the most horrible thing I have ever gone through. What I would imagine a drug addict going through withdrawl would be similiar..even though I have never ever done drugs. I would shake one minute..be sick to my stomach the next, raging headache, chills, I could not sleep at all... for 3 days straight. I still am coming off of it even tonight..but it as not as near as bad. On top of this, I have had bad anxiety... real bad. I had a regular doctor appointment tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. I am going to go and stay with my parents for a few days the rest of this week cause I just don't want to be at home by myself alone with Zoee in case something happens. My brain has been doing some funny things and I'm just ready to start feeling better. I talked to my neurologist earlier this week, and he said that it takes about 10 days for the medicine to start working with the steriods and we'll what happens and go from there.
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