Slow it down please! Zoee is getting way too big! As we approach her turning three, it makes me a little sad that she is growing so fast. I was thinking the other day that she's already been potty trained for a long time. Where did the time go??
Right now she loves to play with babies, Barbies, any little character she has in there. She got a smaller dollhouse for Christmas and can play with it for hours. She's still a little social butterfly..so she would much rather be out and about running around being a kid!
She is sleeping her BIG GIRL twin size bed now. Her favorite word right now is "NO" which drives me crazy. She is so hilarious and has such a HUGE personality still and can be very dramatic. She went and sat through a movie at the theatre for the first time this month. Her favorite foods are pasta or hamburger and FRIES. She still loves veggies, which I'm happy about and even ate a lot of my salad the other day. I thought it was crazy that a two year old loves lettuce and tomatoes so much. She doesn't like chicken nuggets, which I thought was strange for a kid. HA She still LOVES milk..but doesn't get very much of it anymore. She still loves to read and play learning games on her LeapPad Explorer Her favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Olivia, Pocoyo, Little Einsteins, and Curious George. She amazes me every day at what she is learning and what she already knows. She is really really smart and picks things up quickly. She's just our lil' stinker who keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh so much. She brings us so much joy and we love her!

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