She's lovin' her spaghettios

YUM! YUM! YUM! (I look back at these pictures and wonder why the heck I don't put a bib on my child...LOL She doesn't have a bib on in most of her eating pics...HA HA!

She loves getting into the diaper bag and pulling things out

Walking from couch to chair and back again is her favorite thing to do these days. Her toys have taken the back burner!

She says: "Look Mom, I'm doing it!"
Dressing up once again..this time she found a Lei in my party tote.


Baby, It's cold outside!!

Man, it's been a very busy time for us these past few weeks. Zoee has grown up so much..already walking. That's all she seems to want to do..that and get into EVERYTHING!!!
Please pray for our family...we are looking for someone to watch Zoee while I go back to work. I called all the daycares in town and no one is accepting kids her age and I'm on waiting lists a mile long (we're talking lists that don't even start until the Fall). We do have a few people in mind and will be interviewing in a few weeks. It's VERY scary to me having someone we don't know watch her...but we're praying and praying that we find someone that will love and treat her like we do. Other than that, I've been planning her 1st birthday (yes, I believe I've gone overboard as usual) but it will be a lot of fun..even though she probably won't remember it. She can look back at all the wonderful pictures we will be taking. It's awesome cause Mike is off every weekend this month...and he's taking a week long vacation at the end of next week. I don't know what we're going to do yet. He wanted to get out of town..but we're heading to Lubbock this weekend..so I don't know what we'll end up doing that week. We're getting Zoee's YEAR pictures taken this weekend...that should be a lot of fun!
Zoee is saying a lot of words now that include: "No", "Yeah", "Bye Bye", "Mamma", "Daddy", she whispers "Kitty". It amazes me that she comprehends things I ask her to do..like "pick up your sippy cup or bottle" and she will go over and do it. She loves to dance and sings along in the car to her CD that we listen to all the time. She has definitely learned how to squeal and scream and especially likes to do it in restaurants. Mike says she's just like me...has to stare at everybody when we are out in public..ha ha. She's usually smiling from ear to ear when people walk by..and they all have to stop and say "Hi" and give me props for having such a beautiful sweet lil' girl. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when this happens. She loves to wave "Goodbye" but usually puts her hand up and waves to herself instead of the person she's actually waving to. It's really cute! She also does this sound where she puts her hand over her mouth like she's doing an Indian chant...this usually happens whenever she's trying to blow a kiss. She hates being in her carseat long distances..and usually cries when I go to put her in..probably cause she wants to be up moving around. We're trying all kinds of new foods...and she's cutting teeth again cause this week she has a snotty nose and is not eating too well...this is my sign telling me to get ready..cause they are a comin' and about to break through. I wonder if it will be her 1-year molars?? Guess only time will tell!
OH MY GOSH!! I almost forgot...also another "BIG" thing going on this weekend...Mike and I have our anniversary. We will be married for 6 years on February 21st. I can't believe we've been together for 8 years. WOW--Time flies when you are still in love and having fun!
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