Zoee hanging out with her Abuelita..playing the piano.
She actually played the keys like she was already a pro..not just banging on them.

Zoee is walking better and better each day.
Caden is making funny faces and Zoee doesn't know what to think.

Hanging out with Jenn

Zoee playing around when we got home

She has new PJ's and had to check them out.
We went to Lubbock this past weekend to do a little shopping and get out of town. I bought some things for my new room I will be in up at the salon. When I get it all decorated, it's going to be really cute!
We visited with Mike's family for a little while and I'm so glad that Janie (his mom) looks better. For those of you who don't know already, Janie has Parkinson's. The same year Mike and I got married is the same year she got diagnosed...so I've seen her disease progress and see what it has done to the family and the different stages that you go through. Right now, there is not a cure since it is a progressive disease, but I pray that there will someday soon they can find a cure. I'm glad that she feeling much better..cause this past year has been pretty rough. Please pray for her and our family!
We also got to see one of my really great friends, Jennifer, and her family. Jennifer is AWESOME! She feels like a sister to me. We met several years ago and have been close friends ever since. We don't get to see each other that often since we live in different towns, but we pick right up where we left off at every time we do see each other. We had dinner with her and while talking to her at dinner, she had been observing Zoee. She kept saying over and over how well Zoee behaves for her age in a restaurant. This made me feel so proud as a mom...not that I have a whole lot to do with that right now, as far as being an influence...but just that I felt so blessed to have such an amazing lil' daughter. Jennifer started tearing up at dinner after she said that..and she said.."She is so wonderful and beautiful!" This made me feel so great inside.
Jennifer has a son who was born when she was only 26 weeks along in her pregnancy. Caden is amazing! Their family has dealt with a lot of health issues with Caden since he was so premature, but he is such a trooper and one awesome lil' boy. He is now in school and has overcome a lot of obstacles. It takes one special person to be a mom to a child with many health issues while growing up. She is just such an inspiration to me as a mom. Her Christanity and faith has helped her through a lot of things in life...and it's just amazing seeing Caden grow into an awesome lil' person. I love them so much and wished I could see them more but cherish the time I do get to spend with them.
Also, Mike and I had our 6th wedding anniversary on February 21st, this past Sunday. I got Mike XM radio and a Oakland Raider man bracelet that he's been wanting. He loved them both. He got me new clothes (that's what I wanted). We celebrated by spending time together as a family. I cannot believe it's been 6 years already that we've been married and 8 that we've actually been together. It's amazing how fast the time flies...and I'm so lucky to have found such an awesome man. I couldn't ask for better qualities in the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. He's so nurturing, helpful, caring, loving, honest, hardworking..I could go on and on! But what I love most of all is he treats me so much respect and loves our daughter so much and takes really great care of her. Love you Baby!
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