My parents and Jillery came over the other night and Jillery was changing Ethan into his P.J.'s and realized that the ones she had packed were just WAY too small on him. He's growing up so fast and she asked if she could borrow some of Zoee's. Well, since I had already given her the P.J.'s that Zoee wore that were a little on the unisex side a long time ago for Ethan to wear...I didn't have any of those left...so I dug out Zoee's old clothes and all I could come across were ones that were really girly. So Jillery put this set on and I think he was a little upset that he had to wear girl clothes..LOL Not really..cause he's too young to know the difference..but we were thinking she could bust these pictures out whenever he gets his first girlfriend when he's older..HA HA!!

Zoee seems to really love her cousin. She especially loves trying to steal his pacifier..even though she doesn't suck on one unless he's around..LOL

Ahh..the trouble and times these two are going to have growing up..we can already picture it!

She's doing it! We've finally found a sippy cup that Zoee likes. Believe me, it's not because of my lack of trying. I think Mike and I have purchased every sippy cup known to man since Zoee was about 7 months old, trying to find one that she would actually like. But who would of thought she would like one of the cheapest made?? HA HA! I bought a set up three of these cups she is holding for $4.99..which I was used to paying more than that for just one. I am just glad she liked it and holds it up on her own like a big girl!

First pic of Zoee being a "DIVA". She loves to dress up and prance around. I feel as if I'm going to be picking up a bunch of clothes up off of the floor in Zoee's near future...cause I think she will be tearing them out of drawers before we know it!

She had the glitter from the tutu on her face and in her hair for several days..even after baths.

Took this pic to remind me and Grammy to "STOP THE INSANITY" of buying toys. She really got most of these toys for X-Mas from her Grammy. Look at her play yard...it's ridiculously full of things for her play and chew on. I put them all up and she tears them all out.

Look at Zoee eating "Big People Food" as I like to call it. We've been trying so many new things. She really loves her veggies, which I'm so happy about. Right now she is enamored by this yogurt that you can buy off the shelf in the baby food aisle. She loves the strawberry kind and apparently every other kid does too, because it's almost always gone or one or two left on the shelf. She's only got one more month of formula..and I'm totally weaning her off at a year. I hope that milk sets with her stomach. I've heard good and bad things about what it does to their lil' bodies while weaning. And I think she will be totally off the bottle by the time she is one, too. She only likes to drink her formula out of it...so hopefully we can go totally to the sippy cup that she loves so much soon.
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