Zoee is 17 months old and is just a ball of fun! This age is so great because she can do so much now. It amazes me how much she already knows and is learning. She is really loving Mickey Mouses Playhouse and we watch one at least once a day..sometimes two or three 30 minute shows. She loves to dance around and even knows what they are going to say everytime and sings a long with them. She sings along with me to her ABC's and 123's. She says a lot of words and repeats a lot of everything we say, too! She colors us pictures at Mollie's house and at church. She's not eating much these days..but still drinks a lot of milk. She is way too active and loves to swim, play with her babies, read, get everything out, put things back where she got them, and loves to give kisses. She is very adventureous and has learned to climb up onto the couch now and likes to try and stand on her table and chairs, which is not allowed. Yesterday, while I thought she was napping, she either fell out or crawled out of her crib for the first time. Mike found her in her room playing like it was no big deal. Scared us to death because we thought she might have hurt something. So if it happens again we are moving her to a toddler bed because I do not want her to break any bones. I'm not sure if it was a fluke thing or what..but we are going to keep an eye on it.
She loves to pose for pictures, loves getting the cereal box out to get a snack. She either hands the box to me to help her or she will do it herself and open it up and grab a big handful. Mike said last night he was putting lotion on her after her bath and she was pretending to squirt some in her hands and rub it on her body..so she is just a sponge soaking it all in. She is still really tall for her age and doesn't weigh very much but can handle her own. She likes to throw fits if she doesn't get her way, of course, like her mama..ha ha! She is so full of energy. She takes one nap a day now and goes to sleep around 9-9:30 and gets up around 8:30-9. She is doing so great at Mollie's house and lil' Ethan just follows her around everywhere cause he can walk now. She is finally getting some hair (even though it's getting longer..it's still really thin) but I can put it up in pigtaigs and bows..so cute. We are gearing up for Zoee's Halloween and Christmas this year...it's going to be a lot of fun and we can't wait. We already know what she's going to be..but I won't spoil the surprise!

Zoee has learned that she has a "BABY" She likes to carry it around..put it in her stroller, throw it on the ground, give it kisses and hugs, feeds her with her sippie cup, and rocks her to sleep. It's the sweetest things you've ever seen!

Aren't her pigtails adorable?? I just love that I can put them up now.

Eating a snackie with PawPaw. She can say "PawPaw" now..and Dad just loves it!

Casper is coming to say hello

Hangin' with her Auntie

We got her a doll that swims and she is just excited that she can play with her in the water, too!
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