Today I turned 31..Happy Birthday ME! Mike had to work I spent the day with Zoee. We hung out at the house and played, laughed, and napped. It amazes me what Zoee retains and knows. She now understands and does things when I ask her. For instance, I say, "Zoee, go get your cup." And she knows exactly where she left it and goes for it. We had a great day today..she was so good and we had a lot of fun!

Zoee passed out after playing so hard..I love this picture because it depicts how tired she was..she didn't even care if her feet were under the couch..ha ha

The "Tickle Monster"
We watched our regular Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows that I record on DVR. DVR is the best invention EVER so far!

Zoee was particularly not amused that I took her pretzels away from her.

Like Mother/Like Daughter...I am a TV-a-holic...and now I see where she gets this from! LOL

I love this face...this looks like the face I get from my Dad!! LOL
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