I'd like to introduce the newest member of our family. This is Lil' Lola. She is a Chug, Chihuahua/Pug mix. We got her from a friend of Mike's and we love her so much. We recently had to get rid of Posh, our kitty, because she was just getting meaner and meaner. I think she was honestly jealous of Zoee. She didn't want to be touched anymore or petted so I found her a good home after posting her on Craigslist of all places. Lola is 6 weeks old and cute as a button. She really is a great dog so far. She's not suppose to get over 10 lbs. our vet told me and she is really healthy. She's already received her first set up shots and already had her first bath. Zoee was a little apprehensive..I think because when Posh was around, she treated Zoee like poo all the time. She didn't understand. But Zoee and Lola get along really well. I will post more pics of her and Zoee having fun together in my next post...they are funny.

This is the first night we had her. We couldn't find our dog crate so she had to sleep in a box..LOL

As you can tell, she made herself right at home.
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