Months Old is what she is today!
She's growing up before our very eyes and is so beautiful..inside and out.
She has learned how to speak a few more words. Repeats a lot of what you say. Runs around everywhere..is extremely active. Is still a very good sleeper. Doesn't seem to eat a whole lot. But still loves her vegetables and fruit. Has a new found love for Scooby Snacks and cereal with milk. She loves for me to read to her..over and over: usually the same books. She remembers and knows where things are..especially the things she hides or I can't find. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Sesame Street, Timmy Time, and a lot of educational DVD's. She is starting to play with her babies and toys more. She has a lot of fun with her dog, Lola. She loves when people come to visit or vice versa. She is really attached to her Grammy and PawPaw now that we get to see them a lot more. She's learned how to put money into her piggy bank, pick up her toys and wants to help clean by getting the broom or vaccuum out. She tries to pick up things twice her size or bigger and makes a huge grunting sound while doing it. I've taught her how to high-five and "pound it" with her fist. She loves to kiss EVERYTHING..and does it on her own now without us asking her for one. She's growing like a beautiful flower and we go to the doctor in 2 weeks for her last vaccination for a while and her flu shot for the season. She will be getting a new pair of "special shoes" soon because she's almost grown out of her old pair. We love her so much and are still so blessed to have a healthy happy lil' girl!
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