Tonight Mike and I were sitting in the bedroom with Zoee before she went to bed. I always spout out words in her vocabulary to repeat to me and add ones as we go throughout the day. I had spouted off Mama, Dada, Sissy, Lola, etc... And Mike came up with the word "backpack". Well, there is a book that we read every day..sometimes numerous times cause she doesn't get through the whole thing at one sitting because it's a big book. It's called Words by Baby's First Library. It's an awesome little book with tons of pictures and words..some simple..some harder. Zoee has grown quite fond to this particular book and for some reason the word "backpack" resonates from her voice every time..and she says it pretty clearly while going through the book. Way better than the gibberish she sometimes speaks throughout the day. I need a translator to be able to understand her sometimes cause I swear she is speaking German..LOL But back to my story...Mike had asked her to say "backpack". And he repeated it several times..well she would not say it. A few moments later, she took off running into the living room. We heard her rummaging around in there for a few seconds and then we heard her yell out "OH!" She came running back in the room so proud and handed Daddy her "Words" book. She opened it up to the front page and pointed ...right at the "backpack". I couldn't believe it. I have never been so proud! It just amazes me how much she actually already knows and comprehends. Way more than I usually give her credit for..but she definitely proved me wrong tonight! Zoee also likes to stack things..anything she can find that will stack up nicely..she's over there stacking it up. And she has been quite helpful this week. I learned from a friend that if you want your kids to pick up their toys you have to make it fun. So we sing a li'l "Pickin' up the toys" song that I make up every time..sounds different and fun every time we sing it. She dances around and picks everything up. We love to giggle and laugh all day..and I'm so fortunate to get to share in these moments with my precious creation. It's amazing all the milestones she has conquered and I look forward to many many more throughout her lifetime.

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