This is a pic of me when I was a little older than Zoee.
Can you see the resemblance?
We were both wearing PawPaw's hat.

We spent the weekend with Jillery and Ethan. My parents came over on Saturday to visit. We had a great time catching up and letting Zoee and Ethan play together.
Ethan was chewing on Lola's dog bone..funny!

I had opened up the fridge to get some milk out for Zoee and turned back around and this is what I saw. It's crazy how they are both old enough now to get into the fridge.
Zoee likes to put things in the fridge that don't belong why I'm not looking. Today I found the cordless phone in there.

Ethan was sticking his tongue out at Lola..too cute!

Ethan's 1st Haircut...He has so much hair...I haven't even given Zoee her first cut, yet..LOL

This is the cake I made him..with homemade icing..but this also shows why I'm not in the cake decorating business...it's hideous, but oh, so yummy!

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