Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Trip to the E.R.

Tonight was quite eventful...but not in a good way. Since it was Saturday, I laid Zoee down for a late evening nap. She slept for about 2 hours when all of a sudden I heard her screaming at the top of her lungs. I dashed into her room to see what was wrong and she was literally projectile vomiting all over the place. She had thrown up all over herself, her crib sheets, her crib, and the floor. I was panicked because I had never experienced anything of this nature being a new mom and all. I cleaned her up as best she would let me..she was still kind of dry heaving (sounds just like adults) and I ran into the living room and grabbed the phone. Mike had just gotten off of work and I asked him (of course with my panicky voice) "When are you going to be here??" He said he was just around the corner. I tried to settle Zoee down..but about every 5-10 minutes she would throw up more. I called my doctor (who is on vacation) the nurse gets on the phone (of course the one I don't care for in our pediatrician's office) and I told her what had happened. She told me if it gets worse to where she throws up more than 3 times in an hour to go to the E.R. Right after she said that, Zoee threw up again and so I told Mike that we're going to the E.R. because I knew she was going to get dehydrated with all that was coming up. We got out the door with Zoee managing to throw up again on our way out all over our living room rug..and the tile floor.

POOR BABY!!! I felt so bad for her..cause she was freaked out because she had never experienced anything like this before. We hurried to the hospital and she threw up again while they were checking her vitals. Thank GOD it didn't take very long for them to call us back cause there were a TON of people in the waiting room. We were at the E.R. for over 4 hours and Zoee had to get poked and prodded. It was extremely emotional...they came in and had to put a cathether on her to take a urine sample. The nurse didn't know what she was she tried several times. They had to call another nurse in that did know what she was doing and after about poking her 5 times, they finally got it in. Meanwhile, Mike starts sniffling. I think I've only seen him cry maybe two times since we've been together in the past 8 years. He was very upset with all that had happened and to see her in pain was just gut wrenching for the both of I started crying, too. There were two nurses in the room at the was taking blood and putting in an I.V. for to have fluids and the other was doing the cathether...I'm sure they were like..what the heck parents..get it together! They had to come back and get more they had to stick her lil' arm again. It hurt me so much to see her that way. While waiting on the results, she wouldn't fall asleep..she just kept staring at the door of the room..I'm sure thinking to herself...please no one else come in with anymore needles or things to stick in unmentionable places.

After the four hours had passed, the doctor came in and said he couldn't find anything on the tests that she probably just had a 24-hour stomach virus..that it has been going around. He gave me some instructions...and by the time they took her I.V. out and we headed out the door, Zoee was feeling a lot better. The doctor made her drink some Pedialyte to make sure she kept it down before releasing her. I think those fluids really really helped her. She was so exhausted though and she fell right to sleep as soon as we got home. I'm so glad she is feeling better..I'm really hoping it is just a 24-hour thing...and nothing worse. We go to see her pediatrician on Thursday of this coming I will let you know what she says about it all.

This is a pic of her right after they put her I.V. in...poor lil' thing.

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