Friday, July 6, 2012

40 Months Old!

Oh my gosh...I looked a while ago and since I always have to catch up to blogging..I realized I have missed Zoee's 38th and 39th Month of what is going on.  I guess we've been so completely slipped my mind with summer.  Thank goodness no major milestones have happened in the past couple of months.  So here we are and Zoee just turned 40th Months old!  WOW! I told myself when she hit 40 that we would finally revert to years instead of months..but I will try to post monthly about what is going on in her little world.
She's so grown up to's just crazy.  Here is what is going on:

She weighs 40 lbs...and I forgot to ask how tall she was the last time we went to see her doctor.  She still loves seeing her doctor by the way.  She did have to take a trip to see her a few weeks ago because she had the dreaded Hand Foot & Mouth Disease..and on top of it got pink eye (which go hand and hand I've learned).  She ran fever for 7 days straight.  Zoee never really runs high fevers (thank goodness) so fever for a week for me was daunting.  She only got a couple of blisters on her foot and under her bottom lip and then of course the pink eye.  It was weird cause we got a bit of it I think cause we ran fever for several days..but nothing else.  Thank goodness she is over all that and we are healthy and happy now!

She is still going and going and definitely seems to still be a leader and not follower.  I wonder if that will change as she gets older?  She has great friends (already at 3) and they have a lot of fun together.  It's funny cause they pick up so many habits (good & bad) from each other.

Her vocabulary is expanding...she is learning more numbers and getting to where she can distinguish between things.  She's a great helper (unless it comes to cleaning her room)..HA HA!  I see this being a fight even when she's older.  Depending on what is going on and how well she slept the night before depends on if and when she takes a nap.  She is in that in between stage of kind of growing out of them..but she sometimes still needs one.  She tends to get really sleepy by 6 -7 pm..but I don't want her to go to sleep that early cause then she is up at it around 12-2 am.  Her comfort is still milk. She doesn't ask for it as much..but it's definitely still a comfort to her.

She just had her "Sissy" (Sebrena) here for the summer for 3 weeks..and cries every time she leaves.  She loves her so much and wishes she was around all the time.

She really love to sing and is totally into nursery rhymes and songs.  She is still a big ham and likes to show off.  When we spend the day out and about.everybody always comments on how cute and adorable she is.  She is still very outgoing, loves to read books, watch tv shows, and especially loves playing outside.  I can't believe it's going so fast..and I wish it would slow down for sure at least a little bit.  

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