Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lunchtime and Pure Awesomeness!

She looks sad cause her teeth have been bothering her.
Poor Baby!

This is hilarious!
(Please read the article below to get why she is holding the spoon this way)

In her new playpen, or as the lady at the store when I was buying it said (her new CAGE).
UGHH!! Until you try this lil' Super Playyard out, you will not know the awesomeness of it.
Keeps them out of trouble and out of things that can hurt them.
Zoee also likes to hold on to the side of it and stand up and walk around it instead of our coffee table, like the other day when she busted her lip while falling to the ground. It was before I got this..and I panicked..cause I thought she might have chipped her two bottom teeth that she just got in. She just had a little bloody lip and it swelled up a little..but healed really quickly.
As you can see, the whole thing is full of toys and stuff.
Don't look at all the clutter! LOL

As you already know, Zoee can be quite the character! These are a few pictures Mike and I took the other day while feeding Zoee. She's been teething really bad for the past few days. Her actual fang teeth are coming in right at Halloween..too funny, huh! I can already see them and they have been causing her a lot of pain. She's even waking up during the night, which she NEVER does.
Well, Mike was feeding her and I guess she loved the feeling of the spoon in her mouth..cause she just kept it in there for the longest time. She would just stare at him and give him a look like, "Go Ahead, I dare you to take it out!" LOL
Oh, and thanks Grammie for the new pajamas. The 9 month ones from Target are already fitting her, which surprises me. They are super cute on her.

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