Monday, January 31, 2011

The Box Derby

Zoee and Mike had a lot of fun playing together tonight. Mike put Zoee into a box we had left over from our Sam's trip the other night and was pushing her around. She was having fun! But things took a turn for the worse when she brought the box into the living room and was playing in it. She was running around the living room with the blanket on her head playing peek-a-boo..when she stumbled over her feet (darn the intoeing) and fell and hit her face on the corner of this box. She had yet another long scratch on her face. If this stuff continues to happen I'm going to have to get her a full face mask for her to wear while playing..cause her pretty li'l face is going to be all scarred up. I haven't took a pic of it yet, but it's pretty red.

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